Myths About Sneeze Attacks

A sneeze is a sudden, common and harmless occurrence that occurs when a foreign particle suddenly stimulates the windpipe, sinuses, and chest muscles. Sneezing is reflexive most often but can also be due to blocked nasal passages or allergies. There are many different types of triggers for these moments. However, there are myths about sneeze attacks. Some of them are:

1. Your Heart Stops Beating When You Sneeze

It is one of the most persistent myths. But sneezing does not cause any interruption in the circulation of blood and your heart will not stop beating. The truth is that your heart temporarily stops beating when you sleep, so a sneeze, although it seems very violent, cannot be compared to a moment of relaxation.

2. A Sneeze Attack Can Feel Like a Heart Attack

It is a myth that is so widespread that it has its name: "the heart attack sneeze." It's sometimes said that a person who has experienced a heart attack may experience a sneeze attack because of the same physical effects. The most common are Chest pain, sweating, tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, and stomach discomfort.

3. You Can't Sneeze at Night

The truth is that sneezing is usually not a problem when you are sleeping because your body naturally goes through many changes during sleep rapidly. Most people sneeze when the environment is not suitable for them, for example, when you are out in the sun or in a very cold place. You will not sneeze when you are sleeping because your body is relaxed at that time. Do not drink too much caffeine before bed to avoid sneezing at night.

4. Vapors Make You Sneeze

Vapor has a temperature below 150C, so when it enters your nose and reaches the nerve endings, they do not trigger any reaction. However, if the vapor reaches a high temperature and causes irritation, you will feel it.

5. Colds and Allergic Reactions Are the Causes of Sneezing

Irritants like pepper and some perfumes can also trigger a sneezing attack. In addition, allergies to pollen, dust, or animal dander can cause your allergies to increase [in severity]. According to Dr. Kocatell, an allergist and the author of The Allergy Handbook: Your Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Allergies. Bee stings carry more allergies than some of the most common colds.

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6. You Can't Sneeze with Your Eyes Open Because Your Eyes Will Pop Out

While it may appear that this is happening in some cases, the eyelids cause your eyes to close when you sneeze. People have always feared that their eyes will pop out when they sneeze and fly away. Now you can sneeze with your eyes open because closed eyelids safely protect your eyes.

7. You Sneeze Because Your Nose Is Filled with Dust

Sneezing aims to clean your nasal cavity and remove irritants from the respiratory tract (not dust in the nose) and other secretions such as tears from the lacrimal glands. Sneezing is caused by irritation in the nasal cavity.

8. You Can Sneeze Continuously for A Long Time

It does not matter how much you may want to sneeze, but your body will eventually send respiratory signals when it's enough. If you think it's impossible because you have had to sneeze continuously for days or weeks, these are symptoms of allergies (atopy), asthma, or rhinitis (hay fever). When you are sure that allergies or respiratory problems cause sneezing, see your doctor immediately.

9. You Sneeze When You Drink Alcohol

Alcohol is not a trigger for this type of reaction, as it's thought to be in some people. If there is no cold yet on your body and you think you may have an allergy, wait until the symptoms disappear before drinking alcohol. Respiratory allergies are caused by factors that include dust, foods, and drugs.

10. Holding Sneeze in Makes You Stronger

Holding it in only makes you more susceptible to developing a cold or the flu because it increases the sensitivity of your nose's nerve endings. If you are already suffering from a cold or influenza, try not to sneeze when you feel the first symptoms, as this could increase your respiratory infections.

11. Sneezing Is a Sign of Death

Sneezing occurs when your body releases a large amount of air and mucus from your nose through the tear ducts and it's not connected to any illness or signs of death. As long as you have no other symptoms that make you feel bad, sneezing is nothing to worry about.

12. When You Sneeze You Will Cry

Your eyes will water from the burst of air, but not to the extent that you will cry. Sneezing occurs depending on factors such as age, health and allergies. If you are a teenager, sneezing can be just a normal reaction.

13. You Can Sneeze by Rubbing Your Nose with A Pen or Pencil

It is false and you can only feel the difference in sneezing when the reaction is quite severe. In the case of a cold or flu, it would take several days before you notice this kind of reaction on your nose. Do not try to improve your health and sneeze by making abnormal movements (rubbing pencils, noses, etc.).

14. You Cannot Sneeze with Your Eyes Closed Because You Will Lose Your Sight

You can't lose sight if you sneeze with closed eyes because there are no nerve endings in the eye area that make it possible for you to feel pain or something.

15. Sneeze Will Make You Lose Your Teeth

Sneezing does not affect the teeth in the slightest. However, the strongest irritant for your teeth is bad breath, which sneezing does not change.

Finally, sneeze attack myths are common, but they are all quite inaccurate. The amount of mucus expelled when you sneeze is not explosive. It's an involuntary reflex that happens in response to the irritation of your respiratory tract. Contact Philadelphia ENT Specialist to learn facts about sneeze attacks with professional guidance.