How To Organize Your Time: Tips For Best Students

College is not an easy process. From the very first days, the student is bombarded with a tremendous amount of information that needs to be absorbed. The necessary material is contained not only in lectures (memorizing it is only a small part of the task), but also in textbooks, books, and articles. Sometimes there is a need to involve information resources of the Internet. The training system implies much greater independence of students in planning and organizing their activities. It is not easy for yesterday's schoolboy to do it. Therefore, a student should be aware of some important rules of activity organization, suggested by the science of psychology.

Brief recommendations to students on the organization of their educational and professional activity during their studies in college

The main thing - to strive to develop your style of educational and professional activity, that is not necessary to be "like everyone else" or even "copy" the actions of some "specially gifted" and "successful" students. You can achieve success in your studies in many different ways. Therefore, studying at a technical school is at the same time a kind of "experimenting" with oneself, especially since the main subject for any student is himself as a developing, self-changing, and reflective "subject of learning activity". In the future, the experience of forming one's style can become the basis for forming an individual style of the professional activity itself in oneself. By the way, you’re not supposed to know each subject brilliant. Don’t be angry if you can’t write essays, for example. Of course, it's important to know how to write it properly but you’ll learn it later. For the first period use the essay writer service

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Rules of tactful behavior and effective listening in class:

  • Listening (and hearing) to another person is a real art, which will come in handy in future professional activities. If the instructor is "boring," but you feel that he owns the material, then boredom is already your problem (it is worth asking yourself whether you are a real student at all if you are not interested in a lecture of a specialist?).
  • If you do not agree with (or do not understand) something with the instructor, it is not necessary to interrupt him or her and express your ideas, even if they seem right to you. And questions should be asked either after the class or after choosing a moment when the teacher paused, and be sure to apologize.

Rules for taking notes during lectures:

  • You should not try to write down everything the teacher says in a row. Even if a student is a good shorthand note-taker, it makes no sense to write down everything he says: it's important to catch the main idea and the main facts.
  • It is desirable to leave space on pages for your notes (and to make these notes either during the lecture itself or when preparing for seminars and exams).
  • Naturally, it is desirable to use abbreviations, which everyone can "work out" for himself (if only it would be easy to understand these abbreviations).

How to organize yourself on distance learning

Enough time has passed to feel the pros and cons of distance learning. We think that during this time it has become clear that distance learning on quarantine is not a reason to "score" on the study. Remember, the harder you study, the better you'll learn the material and complete assignments faster. And that means a high-security clearance rating and... more free time after quarantine ends.

Most are now at home, only a few stayed in the dormitory. Regardless of the location, the main thing is to properly self-organize and self-isolate.

If you are a student and stayed in a dormitory, that's no reason to be sad. During a time of self-isolation and social distancing, it's only natural that the four walls around you will stress you out.

Here are a few rules and tips

  • If it's hard to stay cooped up, focus on things you've been planning for a long time but have always put off. For example, picking up and taking apart your laptop, phone or other 500-piece items will do you good.
  • Always be in touch with family and friends; call more often. More often than before, and best of all, at least twice a day.
  • Every night, make a clear schedule for tomorrow: exercise, classes, running errands, working on yourself, training, rest. And try to stick to it.

It is a little more difficult to adapt your schedule for those who are now at home. You relax more quickly at home and put things off for later. After all, it is much easier to lie on the couch, watch your favorite shows, and eat chips with cola. But modern education is built on the principles of self-education and diversity, and home self-isolation is not a hindrance.

During quarantine, it is not necessary to disrupt the usual regime of the day. The only problem at home - you have to force yourself. If you cannot rely on yourself, ask loved ones to help you stick to the regime.

We are sure that the younger ones will be happy to get you up in the morning. And parents do not need to persuade, they will control you without asking.