How Many Words Copy Without Plagiarizing

If you are creating an assignment or a research paper for your study, your essay before graduation, and wondering how many words you can copy from another source without committing plagiarism, you have surely landed in the right spot. 

In this three-minute post, we are going to give you all the important details about this matter. You must know what plagiarism is and what consequences it has. 

Today, the cases of plagiarism are increasing every day. You should also know that there are many adverse effects that you can face if you get accused of plagiarism. This is why we would always urge you to avoid it!

Plagiarism – All you need to know about it!

Plagiarism is defined as stealing and passing off another person's ideas and words as one's own without crediting the source. The word stealing in the definition is added when a person intentionally copies content from another resource. Today you don't only have to worry about deliberate plagiarism. Rather you have to be extra careful because you can even copy the work of another person accidentally. The cases of accidental or unintentional plagiarism are drastically increasing, and this is because of the amount of content available on the internet. Two people working on the same topic would have unexpected similarities in their work. 

  • Can rewriting help you avoid plagiarism?

Usually, people think that rewriting content in their own words can help them avoid plagiarism, but this is a false concept. You should know that rewriting is not allowed because this is another form of plagiarism. You cannot use your content or other people without paying credits.

  • How many words in a row is plagiarism?

The most common question that people ask us is how many words can accuse them of plagiarism. Well, copying even a single word is plagiarism, in our opinion but if you want the technical answer, then know that copying five words in a row from the same source can result in the accusation of plagiarism. This is because modern plagiarism checkers and scanner tools would accuse your work of plagiarism if five or more five words are similar to another source. 

You must know that the words you are stealing or borrowing from another source should be put in quotes and always cited at the end of the article. If you are not citing or adding the reference to the original content, you will surely face the consequences of plagiarism. 

  • How many words can you use without citing?

Another question that people ask us is how many words they can copy from another source without citation. According to experts, you have to cite even two to three words that you have copied deliberately from another source. If your content matches accidentally with another source, you don't have to cite it. It would give an impression that you took reference from the other post. In cases like these, you can always paraphrase the content. 

  • Do short words result in plagiarism?

As we have told you earlier, if you copy five or more than five words in a row, you can easily be accused of plagiarism, but you must know that this doesn't include the number of short words. Words like 'the', 'a', 'if', etc., would not cause the accusation of plagiarism. 

  • Best ways to avoid plagiarism?

If you don't want to be accused of plagiarism, then we would suggest you read the multiple ways that we have listed below for you guys:

  1. Always cite the source which you are using as a reference.

  2. Include quotation marks to denote words that aren't yours. 

  3. Paraphrase content. To get rid of plagiarism, you can always spin your words and sentences with different synonyms and tenses. 

  4. Always present your idea. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to stop depending on other people's findings and present your thoughts and ideas.

  5. Use an online plagiarism checker!

Best Plagiarism Checker tool for everyone!

There are many plagiarism checker tools on the internet, but you have to subscribe to the best one if you want to avoid the accusation of plagiarism. The online plagiarism checker by is known to be a popular choice across the globe. This is because this plagiarism checker is free and very easy to use. The results generated by this plagiarism tool are 100% accurate. You must know that it can screen out all forms of plagiarism, including deliberate and accidental types. This plagiarism checker is reliable because it uses AI to check your work for plagiarism.

Working process of plagiarism checker

Plagiarism checker tools work in a very interesting way. Below we have listed the steps which would help you understand their work:

  1. First, you have to enter the text or files in the tool and click on the 'check plagiarism' button.

  2. The plagiarism checker tool would analyze your content and understand it from the first to the last word.

  3. After analyzing the content, it would break it into small divisions of four to six words.

  4. These small divisions would be then scanned and compared with the huge database of the plagiarism checker individually.

  5. Results would be generated, and you would know the exact percentage and source of similar content.

This is why the rule of thumb is that copying five words or more in a row can result in the accusation of plagiarism!