A Special List Of 5 Best Scholarships Which Require Essays

You can cut your college costs and avoid taking on excessive debt with scholarships. Applying for the best scholarships that require essays might be a tedious procedure, and you'd like something quicker. The good news is that there are simple scholarships to apply for, such as best essay scholarships

There is a chance that you will be bombarded with spam emails. In reality, several scholarship competitions are designed only to obtain your email address. For this reason, we advocate using quick best scholarships that require essays sweepstakes as a backup alternative for college funding. 

The majority of your time should be spent applying for scholarships with the help of essays that you locate on trustworthy scholarship websites. You have a substantially lower likelihood of getting a scholarship award than traditional best scholarships requiring essays.

Some scholarship "sweepstakes" only need to register your name and email address. It's all about effort and innovation in this second batch of scholarships. Going Merry app can help you save time by applying for many scholarships that only require essay questions in one application. To get started, sign up for Going Merry today. Following are the best scholarships that require essays.


1. The GoSkills Scholarship

  • GoSkills is the supplier.
  • Amount: 2,000
  • An application and a business plan are required for submission.

Greetings, future female leaders. The time has come for you to show the world what you've been working on. Applicants must be female high school or college students to be eligible for this award. This one is leading from best scholarships that require essays.

On the application, there are open-ended questions, but it's more like a dialogue. The questions ask you about your problems and the people you look up to as inspiration. You must include a link to your business plan along with the application. If you want to be your boss in the future, try drawing out a business plan.

2. GloFX Scholarship

  • The sum is $500,000.

An essay, a video, a PowerPoint presentation, or a 3-minute film are all acceptable submissions.

Students like you are invited to submit their creative idea to GloFX. You can respond to their question in any way that works for you. Everyone has failed at some point in their lives, and dealing with the consequences is rarely a fun experience. 

However, through failure, we can see our errors and correct them. How did you fail at something despite doing your best? Applicants are encouraged by GloFX to share the project on their social media accounts. This university is required to apply for the scholarship.

3. Euraxess in the United Kingdom

Researchers can use Euraxess UK, a British Council-managed online portal, to advance their careers and take advantage of international mobility opportunities. In both cases, Euraxess UK provides help for both international and national researchers who wish to relocate to the UK.

  • The Euraxess UK program supports researchers at all levels:
  • Researchers at the beginning of their careers (postgraduate level)
  • A young researcher (postdoctoral level)
  • A well-versed shopper (over 6 years post-doctorate)

Additionally, researchers can use the online Euraxess UK site to seek jobs and other valuable information on residing and working in the United Kingdom. This one is also leading from best scholarships that require essays.

4. University of the United Kingdom (UK) Scholarships

Students from outside the United Kingdom are often eligible for considerable financial aid at some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Some of the most prestigious colleges in the United Kingdom provide a variety of scholarships and scholarship-searching resources.

  • Cambridge University
  • This university is affiliated with the University of Oxford
  • Imperial College London's website
  • All images are copyrighted.
  • The University of London's London Theory of Business 
  • Students at the University of London (UCL)

You can search for scholarships and financial aid programs using the university's official website. Under the headings "Fees and funding," "Funding," or "Scholarships," you'll find the information. Get in touch with a university representative if you can't locate the information you're looking for. This one is leading from best scholarships that require essays.

5. The Commonwealth Scholarship Program

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom (UK) grants a wide range of awards, including:

  • Ph.D. Scholarships from the Commonwealth
  • Master's Scholarships from the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • Commonwealth Scholarships for Distance Learning
  • On the Commonwealth Scholarships website, you may see the whole list.

To help students from low and middle-income from Commonwealth countries will be able to study in the United Kingdom, scholarships are provided each year. Based on their academic achievements and ability to improve the lives of their home nations, candidates are chosen.



Scholarships for the greatest essays might be obtained for free by students with exceptional writing skills. To receive an essay scholarship, you must write at least 250 to 2,000 words on a certain topic. Scholarships that require students to write lengthy essays tend to have higher prize amounts for best scholarships that require essays.