Top 10 Tips To Apply For The Scholarships In French Universities

France has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in Europe, with over 2.7 million university students. Indeed, each year, nearly 350,000 overseas students have scholarships for studying in France. And this is unsurprising given France's strong and distinguished universities. However, applying for scholarships in French universities can appear to be a daunting procedure at first. 

Here are my top ten pieces of advice for applying to and studying in French universities to assist you. France is a popular study abroad location for students from all over the world. It is home to various interesting cities in which to study and live, and it offers cheap education to students from all walks of life. Following are tips for applying for scholarships in French.


Now that you've decided to study in France, the first step is to conduct some research. Where you study is determined by several factors, including your visa status, French language competence, academic subject, and, of course, your budget. It's critical to start narrowing your search early on, even before you begin the application process. 

Begin Amassing That Paperwork

The French government is infamous for needing excessive paperwork for everything from opening a bank account to obtaining a phone plan. And applying to universities in France is no exception. While each university has slightly different needs, you can create a generic dossier and then tailor it to each school.


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The following is a broad list of documents that you will need to apply to any French university:

  • If you are a non-EU citizen, you must present a valid visa and an OFFI stamp.
  • A diploma from a high school (translated into French)
  • Describe your most recent C.V.
  • Documentation of your proficiency in French or English
  • A motivation letter stating why you wish to attend the university.
  • Carefully review the regulations specific to your country of origin and each school.

Registered Mail your Application

Using registered mail is one of the top ten tips for applying to French institutions. In France, it is usually preferable to utilize registered mail for any official or administrative operation. It is referred to scholarships in French as a letter recommended Avec Avis de reception. 

Signature upon Receipt

Essentially, this service is available at the post office that guarantees delivery of your envelope/parcel and demands a signature upon receipt. Additionally, you will be notified when your parcel is received.

Automatically check-in Your Implementation

One of the most common errors people make is failing to reread their application. It is especially critical to apply to a French program, and French is not your first language. I would recommend enlisting the assistance of a native French speaker to check your application to ensure it is flawless and ready to submit.

Analyze Submission Dates

It is critical and is undoubtedly one of my top ten pieces of advice for applying to French colleges. You may enroll in either the spring or fall semester, depending on your program and degree type. The normal application deadline for the fall semester is in April, while certain programs may accept applications as early as January. 

Application deadlines for spring enrollment are typically mid-September, though you should verify with each university to which you are applying.

Scholarships Are Not To Be Ignored

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Thus, one of the finest suggestions for applying to French institutions is submitting a scholarship application. Numerous scholarships and awards are available to both domestic and international students. If you are coming on an exchange program, you should also verify with your home university. 

Take Notifications

While this may seem like a no-brainer for any university student, taking notes is extremely critical in the French university system. Often, you will attend a lecture for a few hours at a time, and most universities in this country, in my experience of scholarships in French, do not provide handouts or study sheets. Tests account for a large portion of your mark, and there is typically only one.

French Language Study

If you do not currently speak French, this is an excellent opportunity to begin. Additionally, if you are enrolled in a French program, it is good to enroll in a French course on the side.

Your scholarships in French will improve, but so will your grades! It's not easy adjusting to life in a new city, even more so if you don't know the language. Perhaps the most critical advice I can give you on studying at French universities is to become engaged in the community.

Participate in after-school activities, student clubs, and student government. Certain institutions even have their own sports teams or intramural leagues. Not only will this aid in your assimilation, but it will also aid in your French proficiency!



Along with exploring innovative ways to study for free in France, it's good to look into the variety of scholarships for French students available to study abroad students. Additionally, it's critical to keep on scholarships in French in mind while you conduct your study that most scholarship money in France is targeted at European residents.