8 Ways How Students Can Protect Money From Online Scammers

We live in unpredictable and insecure times specifically due to being exposed to so many different social mediums and websites that are full of ads and scams. The number of cyber-attacks and hackings has increased in the last year by substantial numbers. In particular, the number of college scams has also increased. College students are at the beginning of their lives and are just figuring out their future. They’re generally more susceptible to online college scams.

Students already have so much on their plate like figuring out accommodation, their college tuition, etc. They don’t need the added stress of online scams.  It’s not just college students that are in danger of being scammed online and losing money, so how do you deal with online scammers and how do you protect yourself against scammers?

8 Ways How Students Can Avoid Online Scammers

1. Tackle Online College Scams for Financial Aid and Scholarships

Finding the right scholarship or financial aid is a stressful exercise and that is why many fall prey to scams related to these. Consultants may charge you an outrageous amount of money to fill your form or may make an offer that requires your bank account details that they can use for future scams.

Beware of such websites and requests. Keep track of all the scholarships you are applying to and always find official websites to look for your financial aid. Never give out personal information on the web or call.

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2. Avoid College Scams Based on Employment

Being in college means you are one step closer to being independent and earning for yourself. And what is better than a job offer that lands in your email and pays well? This is one of the most basic online college scams. You can have people reaching out to offer scam jobs that lead you nowhere.

They will call to get your personal information and then use it for a scam later on. Beware of shady websites and email addresses asking for your financial details.

3. Use a VPN When Using Public Networks

As a student you may be in the frequent habit of using public Wi-Fi. This is the most insecure thing you can do. This will expose your laptop to malware and hacks easily. You should always use a VPN that connects to a US VPN server which will route all traffic interacting with your machine to a remote server before getting in touch with you. You can try out the VeePN VPN and opt for a free trial to see the benefits.

Public Wi-Fi can also be a cam in itself. It can ask for your personal information that can be used in online college scams.

4. Stay Away from Credit Card Scams

College students can become easy victims to credit card scams. Many scammers can disguise themselves as credit card companies in order to steal your data for later use. These scammers can even indulge in identity theft and they can easily access your personal information from other channels.

It is important that you do a background check for everyone that asks for your personal and financial information. You can never be too careful with money.

5. Be Wary of Connection Requests from Fake People

We all know at least one friend that loves indulging in creating fake profiles to troll others but there are serious scammers out there that orchestrate full blown online college scams by creating fake profiles and impersonating people.

Beware of such people and before you accept a request from such a person, please take a look at the profile and how long ago it was created. Is there any personal or authentic content shared on the profile? Does the person have genuine friends online and engagement with his posts and comments?

Do not ever give out your personal information on social media and use a VPN server location to connect to social networks.

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6. Always Shred Sensitive Documents

Being a new college student means a lot of documentation that has crucial personal information on it. You should never leave these lying around the dorm room or a cafe. Always keep them in a secure place or get rid of them by shredding them if you don’t need them anymore. You will be surprised how this data can be used in an online college scam with you as the obvious victim.

The other option is to carefully scan each document and save the electronic copy in a safe online vault. This copy can be printed later if needed.

7. Be Wary of Apartment Scams

Getting out of college may mean a new job and the ability to get a new apartment. Scamming real estate agents can use apartment listings to get your attention and get your personal information. If a listing looks outrageously unrealistic. It probably is.

You need to do your research before you buy into such schemes. Only trust authentic and well-known real estate websites and agents for your housing needs.

8. Avoid Oversharing in General

Many online college scams find their foundation in the victim talking loosely about their assets and personal information. Whether you are in a bar or with friends at a party. Never talk to people that you don’t trust with your life about your banking information or any such data that can be used against you.

Tips to Avoid Losing Money in College Scams

  1. Do not share your personal information with unknown people
  2. Research companies and individuals before providing detailed personal information for credit cards, job applications and housing.
  3. Do not access private accounts on a Public Wi-Fi without using a VPN for a secure connection.
  4. Make sure you add that extra layer of protection on your social media and email accounts.

Online scams are no joke. They are real and responsible for many college students losing their savings and hard-earned money. It is important to always use a VPN when you are browsing the internet to be safe from hackers getting your information. You also need to make sure you leave no stone unturned when it comes to hiding your personal information.

Remember, you cannot trust everyone with your bank account information or any other information. Keep these things very private and away from prying eyes. Be wary of people indulging you in conversations that lead you to divulge such information easily.