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Are There More Scholarships Born During COVID-19?
Are There More Scholarships Born During COVID-19?

The answer is no. As unlikely as it may seem, there aren’t enough scholarships introduced during the pandemic. Students were continuing to apply to the existing scholarship programs. Scholarships are usually provided to those students who face financial difficulties or those who are socially oppressed and suppressed. Considering the fatalities the pandemic brought, there should have been more scholarships opened to students. Many faced serious unemployment issues, health care was a major concern, and there were signs of poverty rising. Students had to battle various obstacles to complete their education. In most cases, schools and universities decided to waive their fees, and some institutions provided students to pay their fees in installments; this was a great help to many students. Though there weren't many scholarships born during COVID-19, there were still a few organizations that came up with programs to help those affected by the virus. Here are three scholarships that were introduced during the pandemic : COVID-19 Relief Scholarship The University of Carolina has introduced a new scholarship for its students during the pandemic. The university was concerned about the impact the virus was having on the people and hence wanted to ensure that students could continue studying in the university without worrying about financial support. The scholarship package has reduced the fees for university students. This has taken the burden of tuition fees for most of the students at the university. This scholarship has made a degree affordable for students during these trying times. The students are to fill out their applications for the scholarship if they wish to apply for them. All first-year students are given a 50% off of their tuition. This scholarship did not exist before and was announced by the administration to cope with students' problems in paying their respective tuition. This particular scholarship prevents students from dropping out due to financial difficulties. The administration has been mindful of all the difficulties the pandemic brought and wishes to help their students receive an education without having to worry about the financial aspect of matters. The scholarship is available to all the new students. The CARES act This legislative move has been helping students in America receive relief packages during the pandemic. This act aims at providing coronavirus relief and financial aid to those deeply affected by the virus. This act is helping students pay their tuition. Mostly the act provides a certain percentage of funding to the students. Emergency grants are also being provided to those who are facing unexpected expenditure. Those students who are having issues paying for their health care, housing, food, and other essential needs can receive financial aid through this act. High-interest rates for loans are being looked into, and students with debts who are discontinuing their education are being allowed to drop out without paying their dues. The loan repayment dates are being extended to help students gain some more time to handle their affairs. There are various other provisions of the act that are very supportive of the students. Most matters have been taken care of with the CARES act. The act is also extended to provide educational opportunities to students and their families. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program There is a dire need for quality healthcare and qualified professionals in the health care sector. The pandemic has made us realize the importance of quality healthcare in the country. As a step towards having quality healthcare, this particular scholarship was introduced. This is to encourage those interested in the field of medicine. The Nurse Corps Scholarship is for the nursing students who have applied for the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. This scholarship is open to U.S students who have applied to nursing programs in the United States. The complete tuition fees and other educational expenses will be taken care of if accepted for the scholarship. Those interested in the scholarship will have to submit their applications to the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. Once accepted, you will receive the benefits of the scholarship. The scholarship covers the tuition fees and other intermediary fees and additional expenditure on books, clinical instruments, and so on. These three scholarships have been introduced during the pandemic to tackle the problems faced during the pandemic. Thousands of people have been struggling to pay their educational loans and pay their fees. People lost their jobs; some students faced troubles when their parents died of the pandemic, and so on. It gets very difficult for students to make their way through and complete their education in such cases. These scholarships aim at helping those who were affected by the pandemic. Such students are given more consideration. The regular scholarships choose their candidates based on other criteria’s and hence those in need might not receive it. These scholarships choose their candidates after looking into the adversities the pandemic has put them through.

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How to Get a Scholarship at Harvard University? (Part 2)
How to Get a Scholarship at Harvard University? (Part 2)

Harvard is like a dream college for almost every student across the world. It is one of the most prestigious ivy league colleges. Harvard is not just a University; it is a brand in itself. The acceptance percentage of Harvard is very low, and the tuition fees are high. It grants unparalleled education. The name Harvard itself transfers one to elite fairyland. Getting into Harvard is very hard, but sometimes students with merit restrain from applying to this university because of financial issues. To address this, Harvard offers several scholarships that extend from full-ride scholarships, grants from outside, federal and state grants for American citizens, and even student employment programs. According to Harvard's website 55% student receives need-based scholarships. To get a scholarship at Harvard, you need to have remarkable academic results. You also need to score according to the cut-offs in competitive exams like GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, IELTS, etc., for applying to specific scholarships like the Boustany MBA Harvard Scholarship, The Robert S Kaplan Life Sciences Fellowship, and others. Exams For most of the scholarships, you have to meet some cut-offs to be eligible to apply for them. In TOEFL, you have to have a score that is not less than 109; in PTE, your score should not be less than 7.5. Even in IELTS, you are expected to score more than 7.5. In GRE, you have to have a score of 330 or more. Achieving these cut-offs will only make you eligible for applying for the scholarship. Except for satisfying the cut-offs, here are few things you need to have while applying for Harvard scholarships. Research or Research Proposal While applying to Harvard, you have to keep in mind that it is among the most elite universities in the world, and very few exceptionally brilliant students get in. Keeping in mind this competition, along with your TOEFL, IELTS, etc., scores, you will also need to show some research work or research proposal. Publications in prestigious journals are very much are considered while selecting students for scholarships. This is a must-have. It goes for applying to degrees in both social sciences and scientific degrees. Patents A patent is an intellectual property right of an inventor. Patents help to protect your invention and prevent it from further exploitation. While applying for a degree in science, if you have a patent or more than one patent in your name, your chances of getting into the university increase manifold times. This is so because it shows that you are extremely engaged with the subject and have that zeal, and you are motivated to work further. This will help you be different from all your fellows and will give an edge to your application. A business model or entrepreneurial skill When applying to Harvard for degrees in business, even if you have scored more than the cut-off for the competitive exams, there is a chance that you will not get in. If you show entrepreneurial skills and have built a business model, it gives you an upper-hand over your fellows. If you can show that you have established a successful business, be it small or large, it will always give you an edge and make you a more desirable candidate. Extensive work experience If you are applying for a post-graduate degree, then you have to show some work experience. Having work experience in the field shows that you have an overall idea of the working of the field. It also proves that you are accustomed to what is expected out of you. If you have led any projects or mentored in some, it will come in handy while applying for your scholarship. Academics and extra-curricular Academic excellence is something that cannot be blindsided while applying to Harvard. Being one of the most prestigious universities, the student quality of Harvard is excellent. Only the best of best get in, in the university. Competition for entry into Harvard is very much, and the percentage of getting accepted is very low. Therefore, it is very important to stand out and have an excellent academic background. Other than the competitive exams, your academic result in your undergraduate degree or your senior year also has a huge impact. It dictates whether you will be able to apply to the university and also your chances of getting selected. When a university grants you financial aid, it is financing your education. So, it is necessary for the officials to feel that you deserve such a scholarship; academic excellence is, therefore, a must-have. Along with academics, it is also important to focus on extra-curricular; the university should not feel that you are way too self-centered; you can engage in extra-curricular, like sports or helping in some way to return to society. This will increase your soft skills in turn. Sports will enhance your leadership skills, your commitment and will also make you more adaptable. In let's say helping out old-age homes will make you more empathetic and increase your emotional intelligence, making you a more suitable candidate.

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What Skills Can Dating Platforms Help Students Develop?
What Skills Can Dating Platforms Help Students Develop?

As a teenager or young adult on a scholarship, whether in the United States or Australia, a person steps into the first stage of an independent life and gets the first shots, gaining experience in the learning process. However, social life at this time does not stand aside, especially in the age of total digitalization. When it comes to online dating apps, most parents don’t think of them as potential opportunities for personal growth. Instead, they think of them as time and money wasters that (at best) might help their child find a relationship online or (at worst) end in teens distancing themselves from the family. While it’s certainly true that meeting online might not be a traditional method for learning life skills, we think that there is some positive educational potential that these platforms can bring to the table. If you have a teenager or young adult in your life that you think is just wasting time dating online, consider these five potential benefits for their school life and scholarship retention that they might be building on! Social Skills To be fair, flirting is far different from your normal everyday interactions. Nonetheless, there is a certain level of tact and intuition that must be attained in order to be successful while flirting through teenage dating apps. Whereas joking around and making fun of someone might work just fine if they’re already a friend, it’s unlikely to yield positive results for singles trying to find their other half. Online dating can help them develop healthy ways to communicate with members of the opposite (or same) gender without coming off as vulgar, rude, or downright disrespectful, which is perfect for behaving at a school. Learning how to attract a person isn’t far off from making points on your thesis seem strong or befriending your partners on a project, which is a perfect condition for it to be successful. Plus, dating chat definitely expands your social circle, so even when you're far from home in Australia, you can make friends and support. Managing Rejection As you probably remember, relationships as a student can be quite trying and rarely have a happy ending. Of course, some relationships never even start! Either way, rejection is an unfortunate part of life, and while we may not enjoy the process, it’s still something that we need to learn to deal with. Heartbreak can be especially hurtful, but it does provide a great learning opportunity will (in the big picture) relatively little risk. While romantic rejection and getting turned down for a grade or an internship aren’t exactly the same thing, it’s still important to know how to properly deal with rejection, regardless of the situation. Communicating with people online can help young singles learn how to deal with the disappointments and downfalls of life. Getting a C for your paper or being turned down by a person is a lot alike – all students need to learn from it is how to become a better person and do better next time! The same lesson will apply anywhere – from a first few rejections when looking for a first job to being let go from it – rejection is normal and isn’t a tragedy, as a person can always try the next time. Time Management Whether it’s planning time for a date or simply setting aside time to study on a daily basis, time management is key to being successful in scholarshipy life, not just in online dating. Coincidentally, time management is also a skill that is required in nearly every other facet of life. Most likely, the teen (or young adult) in question will have more going on than just their romantic life: they’ll also have school, homework, time with friends, time with family, and perhaps even a job! Balancing tome between romance and school is hard for all students, forcing them to adjust their schedules (and advancing their time management skills in the process!). Managing their time between different activities is a struggle not only for students but for a lot of adults, so picking up this important skill from setting time for romance and time for studies early in life will make young students’ lives easier. Financial Planning Some schools are free, just like some dating sites, so this may not be applicable in your particular situation. However, most good things in life require a paid membership. Suppose a teenager (or young adult) is truly looking to get the most out of their educational journey. In that case, they will most likely consider an expensive school. Since money doesn’t grow on trees, they will be forced to find a way to fund their education, which could be applying for a scholarship, finding a new job, or even getting a promotion at work! If they want to get their grade, they will need to find a way to manage their finances to ensure everything is paid for on time. This lesson may be learned the hard way (when a teen’s parents tell them they are incapable of paying for their education) or the easy way – when trying to save some money to talk to a girl you like on a dating website that requires a premium membership. Surely this is an important life skill! Peer Pressure The idea of peer pressure at school isn’t often a topic that many parents feel inclined to discuss, but (for better or for worse) it’s just a fact of life for the modern teenager. To bend or not to bend under its pressure isn’t a personal decision but a question of will. But regardless of their stance, they will most likely come into contact with someone who tries to make them change their mind – be it a teacher or fellow students. Some students don’t know how to react to criticism from peers. This is where online dating platforms can help them learn that strangers on the internet may be helpful or harmful to their self-esteem. If communication works, criticism is accepted as healthy and maybe objected or accepted; if a person criticizes a student’s knowledge (or, at online dating sites, appearance, and interests) to be seen as a better person in their own eyes – young adults need to learn how to ignore this pressure. It’s OK to Be Afraid Whether they’re considering a school in another country, such as Australia, or dating abroad, chances are, as a parent, you most likely aren’t enthused about your teenager (or young adult) entering the world of adulthood. And that’s OK! Fortunately, by letting them start to decide their own fate, be it in education or online dating earlier rather than later, you can be there by their side to provide guidance, suggestions, and support for their goals when needed while still allowing them to make just enough mistakes to learn from it. After all, who can teach them how to navigate the world better than you?

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What Is A Scholarship? How Do They Work?
What Is A Scholarship? How Do They Work?

What is a Scholarship? For schools and colleges, scholarships are financial aid awards intended to assist understudies with paying for an undergraduate certification and some of the time a scholarship is a one-time check. Other school scholarships are renewable and give cash to understudies each semester or school year. These awards vary from educational loans in that they don't have to be repaid. If the scholarships and different types of financial aid are sufficient to take care of the immediate school costs, the overabundance of cash is discounted to the understudy. THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SCHOLARSHIP PROCESS Before you let the scholarship cycle transform into a giant black opening to you, here are five things you need to know. 1. THE SCHOLARSHIP PROCESS TAKES WORK We as a whole know the adage, "Assuming it was easy, everybody would do it." Well, truly the scholarship interaction isn't always easy. It takes hard work and dedication and yet, this is a fact that works in your kid's favor. By being willing to invest the energy and the work, your youngster is functionally in the minority. And less contest means better chances of winning! Also, the chance that you take an opportunity to search for lesser referred to scholarships. Create a Greeting Card Scholarship, or Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest, you may end up with considerably more notable chances of winning in case you can take advantage of the lucky breaks. 2. UP TO THE SENIOR YEAR, YOUR CHILD CAN APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS (IN COLLEGE) Another normal place of disarray is based on the idea that scholarships are intended for approaching rookies. And, while the facts confirm that there are many freedoms for those hoping to start their school adventure. It is also a fact that your kid can apply to many scholarships up to your senior year IN COLLEGE (and then some if they proceed.) Each scholarship is in charge of the qualifications that decide an understudy's qualification, and many are available to undergraduates during any year of their education. Along these lines, regardless of whether you don't get chosen for a scholarship as an approaching freshman, you may have another chance to apply for your sophomore, junior, and senior years. Some are even available to graduate understudies, so you could go on to that Masters's or doctoral certificate without having to pay the full expense from cash on hand. Inquisitive when the major deadlines are intended for scholarships? From sophomores in secondary school to undergrads, it breaks down exactly what your youngster ought to do for each school year. Thus, don't quit looking because the first round of deadlines passed, and don't surrender if your youngster doesn't win the first run-through. Instead, save those sites and timetable a calendar suggestion to inquire when it opens up for the following year. Then, at that point, your kid can make sure that you don't miss out on the chance to get more scholarship cash sometime later. 3. SCHOLARSHIP WINNING BECOMES EASIER ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO Here is another point where a familiar adage says it best, "Practice makes awesome." While the phrase is certainly antique, it is unquestionably relevant about scholarship applications. In the first place, the scholarship interaction is unfamiliar, and even a bit scary. However, as more applications are finished, the easier it is to check the following one out. And repeating the interaction this year also gives the insight to work in the following year, and the one after that, and so on. Along these lines, don't be afraid that the initial ones will not be awesome. It does get easier as you push ahead. How Do Scholarships Work? How scholarships work can vary by a lot. A few scholarships expect you to reapply for each year you're in school. Another way scholarships can contrast is in how the cash is distributed. Private scholarships may send the cash straightforwardly to your bank account. Some scholarship suppliers send the cash to the school, where it's utilized to cover your outstanding charges. Any scholarship cash that is left over is usually sent back to you as a check. Scholarships may not be a cash reward at all, yet an in-kind reward. This is a kind of non-cash reward that may waive education-related costs like the expense of educational cost, reading material, or lodging. On the off chance that you win a scholarship without any hidden obligations, we firmly prescribe utilizing it to take care of your education-related expenses. College scholarships can be used for more than school funds. While most people equate scholarships with tuition expenses, they aren't the only thing that funds can be used for. Of course, some scholarships are limited to tuition fees, but many can be used for other school-related costs. Other obligatory charges are one of the most prevalent secondary applications. Things such as textbooks and software needed can be very expensive, but they are needed to pass the class.

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The Best Freelance Jobs for College Students
The Best Freelance Jobs for College Students

Every college student wants to earn some extra pocket money. Although working even part-time is not manageable for every student, it is important to stay concentrated and devoted to studies, classes, courses, assignments, and exams. So, many students choose to do freelance work online to earn some money without putting their grades at risk. Freelance jobs from home are the best way to go because it allows you to adjust the project in your free time and pay you decently. So, to help you find the perfect job that will work for you, here are some of the best freelance jobs you can do while in university. Become an Essay Writer As a student, you will have to write quite a lot of essays for different assignments and projects. But you can also do that to earn some money because online essay writing is very popular nowadays, and a lot of the students pay for that through their education, and even I used to pay for services to write my essay back in college. It is a straightforward job where you simply have to write essays for the ones that order, following their guidelines. And you can work on your own or even apply to join a platform. And the best part of it is that you won’t have to leave the comfort of your own home, and you can do it whenever you feel inspired or have some extra free time on your hands. Online tutor Just like the previous one, as a student, you should be able to do this without a problem. Many online learning websites allow you to choose a subject that you are good at. You can set an account in your name that will allow you to have classes. You will get paid according to how many sessions you decide to give to your students. Also, you can choose the grade you want to teach, and you can schedule the time of your sessions according to what works for you. Another way to earn money from tutoring can be by creating a video or course and selling it to learning platforms available online. Online Marketing Nowadays, online marketing has a high demand. This is because people worldwide spend so much time online on their computers and smartphones, accessing all kinds of websites and social media pages. And the job of an internet marketer is to increase the traffic of such social media pages and websites by using other online platforms and tools. This is one of the best freelance jobs that marketing students can do because besides making money, they will also get useful experience. Although, if you are into the latest social media trends, and apps you can also do it. Freelance writer If you are a journalism student or simply enjoy writing, you can look for a content writing job. While doing it, you will gain a lot of experience, although you won’t always be credited for your work. Content writing offers you a lot of flexibility, and the opportunities are huge. You can work for businesses or individuals who pay to have good and quality content on their websites. Freelance Editor If you have a good eye for details and fast-checking skills, you will be a great freelance editor. Of course, this is less consuming than actually ghostwriting a book or working as a content writer, but still, it is a great starting point for any feature career that will decently pay you. Graphic Designer Graphic designer students and all of the students good at designing should consider using their skills to earn some money. Although the competition in this sector is very high, a huge amount of freelance graphic designers showcase their skills in the market. So, to succeed and not get disappointed, make sure that you start with small projects like posters and marketing materials for smaller businesses. Tourist Guide If you don’t have any previous skills, and you are simply an adventurous person, there is also a freelance job for you. If you enjoy communicating with different people, have a lively style of communication, and you are good at remembering things, then you will love working as a freelance tourist guide. You will need to learn interesting stories and facts about areas in which you are located and simply explain them to tourists. Conclusion There are many types of freelance jobs; you just have to find the perfect one that you will be good at, and that will also allow you to devote enough time and energy to your studies and exams. Freelancing may help you earn some extra money, but still, your education should be put in the first place, and your education is the thing that will help you get a career and a regular income in the futu

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