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Where To Find An Internship Now
Where To Find An Internship Now

Alexis DePuyt, a 21-year-old English major at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, was studying in London during the spring semester of her junior year when she began looking for a summer internship in the United States. She went to and looked for internships in the Philadelphia area near her parents' house. A paid summer internship at Sweet Rose Studios, a three-year-old boutique marketing agency in nearby Blue Bell, PA, popped up. She sent her résumé and cover letter through Sean Rose, the firm's founder, contacted her within weeks and conducted a Skype interview with her. “She was a wonderful person.” He recalls that she was ambitious and educated and that she knew how to research what we do online. DePuyt landed the internship and thoroughly enjoyed it. “It was a fantastic opportunity to put my writing skills to use,” she says. “I did a lot of blogging, emailing, and trying to get new customers.” “She's a fantastic writer, very ambitious, autonomous, and capable of doing things without a lot of babysitting,” Rose says. I advise job searchers to minimize their time online in most of my stories about using the Internet to find jobs. After spending eight hours putting your search criteria into job board aggregators like Indeed or SimplyHired, then pushing the “apply” button and throwing your résumé into a black hole” button, you're almost certain to get nowhere. The majority of internet job postings have either been filled or will be filled by someone with a personal connection to the organization. If you want to be considered for a job that is advertised online, you must go beyond the job description by searching LinkedIn and your personal network for a contact at the company, meeting with that contact, conducting extensive research on the company, and attempting to land an in-person meeting with the hiring manager by writing a carefully crafted email that demonstrates how passionate you are about the position. You're thinking about the job and how you can help the company handle its challenges. However, I believe the situation is different for internships, particularly if you are a college student searching for a summer job. Many businesses accept applications from employment boards. Amanda Fox, a 20-year-old University of Connecticut junior, has never done an internship before. Instead, she had spent her summers at the YMCA as a lifeguard. She was looking for an internship where she could put her economics knowledge to use. She registered on fresh postings are sent to you on a daily basis. One of them was for Enterprise Rent-a-Car in Vernon, CT, which is only five minutes from her parents' house. Internmatch directed her to Enterprise's website, where she applied online and was hired for $10.50 per hour. She explains, "I didn't have to jump through any hoops. 1. LinkedIn: Not only should you utilize LinkedIn to look for internships, but you should also fill out your profile and reach out to everyone you know, especially professional contacts, on the 12-year-old professional networking site based in Mountain View, California. Request letters of recommendation from people you've worked with. Include volunteer work if possible. Go to the employment tab at the top of the page and type "internship" into the search box to see internship opportunities. Fill in the boxes on the left side of the page to narrow down your search. I searched for "marketing internship" and found ten pages of results for a zip code in New York City. listings. One drawback is that you can't filter for paid or unpaid jobs. The most useful feature of LinkedIn is the ability to quickly discover which of your contacts works at a company or knows individuals who work there. I also advise college kids to have their parents conduct a LinkedIn network search for them. Companies pay a variety of fees to publish internships and jobs on LinkedIn (a 30-day posting in San Francisco costs $499), indicating that they are serious about filling many of those positions. Smaller players, like Sean Rose, who says he posted on since it was free and he was only employing one intern, may be put off by the fee. 2. Glassdoor: Glassdoor, situated in Sausalito, California, collects internship listings from a variety of sources, including company websites, collaborations with job networks, and direct contact with employers. Its biggest selling point, though, is that it provides an easy way to look up salary, company ratings, and job interview descriptions. Its user interface is simple, yet the wage and review capabilities aren't usually useful for smaller businesses. I tried searching for "paid marketing internship" and "New York City" in the search fields and received 21 results. For example, when I clicked on the first listing that appeared, I found only two company reviews and no salary information for Inspired Marketing Associates in the Bronx. However, a paid internship with Major League Baseball received 37 reviews and a monthly compensation of $1,660. 3. Google: The potency of a Google search should not be underestimated. I typed in "paid marketing internship New York City" and got results for several of the sites mentioned in this article as well as those I hadn't heard of before, such as FindSpark, which claims to provide "the top creative internships & entry-level employment in NYC." I like that you can search for paid internships (I believe that practically all internships should be paid by law, but that's another subject), but when I searched for a paid marketing internship, there was only one job listed, at Inc. magazine. Nonetheless, Google is an excellent shortcut. 5. This website is formed in 2010, is giving 100,000 listings from 60,000 employers. is completely free. Read More:Do’s And Don’ts Of Searching For Scholarships

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Columbus 2022 Travel Tips for College Students
Columbus 2022 Travel Tips for College Students

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Even while the Covid-19 situation continues, the most effective group trip operators are well prepared for the reopening of travel in the United States. With analysts forecasting tremendous pent-up visitor demand once limitations are relaxed, destinations that provide amazing experiences at a low cost should be on the radar of every group tour professional. Columbus, without a question, fits the bill. To that aim, Experience Columbus just released its 2021Tour Planner Guide, which was meticulously vetted by the company's highly trained group tour experts. The guide puts everything tour planners need to create outstanding itineraries right at their fingertips. Free to any group. The 2022Tour Planner Guide includes exclusive behind-the-scenes group experiences, unique events, and unforgettable guided tours for tour operators. There are additional sections on transportation, motorcoach parking, maps, and other logistical resources. At, tour organizers can request their new Columbus Tour Planner Guide or view the digital version. Specially created itineraries showcasing major sites, culinary experiences, attractions, activities, and hotel options are presented in the guide's main section to help group professionals succeed. These might be used as a source of inspiration or as a proposed route around Columbus. During a visit, don't forget to include. The Columbus Group Tour team, on the other hand, is now available to work with planners to develop personalized tour itineraries tailored to their groups' exact needs, finances, size, and interests. A perforated sheet immediately inside the front cover of the new guide allows readers to jot down plans and favorite Columbus tour ideas. Columbus, which was named one of the Travel Channel's "Top 10 Domestic Places to Visit in 2021," expects a significant surge in visitors once travel begins. There is no better time for groups to visit Ohio's capital, which is one of America's fastest-growing cities. This provides unrivaled value for money Planners and vacationers alike rave about Columbus' hands-on and engaging group activities. New attractions, installations, and exhibitions at Columbus' many arts and culture organizations, as well as almost a dozen new hotel openings, all contribute to the city's growing excitement. Experience Columbus has created a constantly updated schedule showcasing the city's limitless "virtual" experiences via until the shelter-in-place orders are lifted. Several popular Columbus group trip venues have created internet communication options. resources and encounters Here are a few examples: Franklin Park Conservatory (Franklin Park Conservatory) Museum of Science and Industry (COSI) The Cartoon Library and Museum of Billy Ireland In addition, Scott Wood, a Columbus writer, and art lover offer virtual tours of favorite Columbus group tour locations like the Columbus Museum of Art and Thurber House on his Scott's Social Distance Tours Facebook page. Columbus is unlike any other city. Ohio's capital is noted for its open attitude, sharp style, and entrepreneurial energy, and it is vibrant and active. Columbus' many districts, vibrant nightlife, notable music scene, arts and culinary experiences, festivals, and attractions The diversity of its friendly people, who eagerly await warmly welcome tourists, adds to the allure of the accommodations. provides free trip guides, maps, online booking, and thorough information. Thanksgiving is the end-of-semester holiday for many college students this year, rather than the customary winter break in December. Some colleges began semesters early in order to finish before Thanksgiving, while others have students complete the semester virtually. Whatever your circumstances, having a well-thought-out plan for how you will go from point A to point B is beneficial. You'll be able to spend the holidays with your family if you commute from university to home. Here are some suggestions for COVID-friendly Thanksgiving travel. Prepare While at School Try to quarantine as much as possible in the days preceding up to leaving college. This means staying in your dorm, avoiding large gatherings, and going out with a mask on. If your school provides COVID testing, you should take one a few days before you depart. You don't want to take a test on the spur of the moment and then discover you're unwell at the airport! Review Your Travel Options Consider driving alone while making travel plans; disease specialists agree that this is the safest mode of transportation during COVID. Students with automobiles may find that driving and only stopping for gas or to use the restroom at rest stops is the best option. Students who rely on public transportation, such as a bus or plane, should exercise extreme caution during their journeys. Bring a lot of protective gear Students are highly recommended to wear masks, bring hand wipes and hand sanitizer, and make as few pit stops as possible, regardless of method of transportation. If you're driving, carry your own snacks, and avoid drinking or eating if you're flying, taking the bus, or taking the train. Wearing a mask and a Plexiglas face shield combination may appear ridiculous, but extra protection, especially on public transit, could mean the difference between a negative and positive COVID test. Be Flexible to Change Prepare for this Thanksgiving knowing that it will be different from prior ones. When students return home, they may need to quarantine themselves or avoid spending time with elderly relatives or individuals who have pre-existing conditions. Remember that adapting to changes can help make the holiday season safer and healthier. Get matched to scholarships that fit your abilities, strengths, and unique qualities in real-time. Our algorithms link you with scholarships that are a good fit for you. Conduct a free college scholarship search at to find a comprehensive list of college scholarships. Read more: Top Scholarships for Massachusetts Students Needed Skills to Get Scholarships from 5 Best Universities in the World

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Tips to Help Parents Succeed in Nursing Programs
Tips to Help Parents Succeed in Nursing Programs

Pursuing a nursing degree when you are already a parent can be a daunting task. It may require you to juggle family and school work. This situation can be more stressful if you are a single parent. Succeeding in a nursing program is, however, doable whether you are married or a single parent. It requires a lot of sacrifice and commitment from your end. Read on to learn tips that can help you succeed in your nursing program. Share Your Plan With Your Family You should sit down with your family and let them know that attending school will be overwhelming and may impact the family. Sharing plans will help to prepare them psychologically and help you achieve your goals. Make them understand that you won't be able to attend all the soccer matches or choir rehearsals like you used to. It would help if you had to include your partner in all your plans. Do not strive to do everything. If you are married, you should request your partner to give you a hand in some duties. Your older children can also help take care of their siblings to allow you to concentrate on your studies. You should also explain the importance and benefits of what you are doing to you and the family. Team Up With Other Parents It would be best if you remembered that you are not alone in this journey. Team up with other parents pursuing the nursing program and share ideas on how you can study and balance your time. Parents can also share their challenges with the rest of the group. Sharing might encourage you and keep you focused on your goals. Being in a support group will also help you in matters of mental struggles. It would help if you also organized how you can incorporate your children during your meetings. Involving your children makes studying a social activity and also an avenue where your children can socialize. You can also meet virtually. Various tech platforms allow members of the group to hold virtual meetings. Choose Your Appropriate Nursing Program Choosing the right course can help kick start your career or take it to the next level. Cost and duration are important factors since you wouldn't want a program that will last a prolonged duration. There are a variety of nursing programs that parents can choose from. Whether you are a beginner or you want to advance your studies, you will always find a suitable program. Examples of nursing programs include APRN in nursing, ADN nursing, and registered nurse (RN). Registered nurses (RN) work in healthcare facilities. They coordinate and educate patients about their health conditions. Associate degree in Nursing (ADN) nurses and registered nurses have similar roles. The difference is that ADN nurses are diploma holders while registered nurses are degree holders. Most parents who are seeking to advance their nursing studies confuse APRN with RN or ADN. But, what does APRN stand for? APRN is an acronym for Advanced Practice Registered nurse. APRNs are experts and have master's degrees. They also possess excellent decision-making skills, and they can handle complex nursing situations. Consider Online Classes Being a parent can hinder you from being a full-time learner. It would be best if you opted for part-time programs that allow online classes. Online classes are ideal for parents since they enable you to learn during your free time using pre-recorded lectures. Most parents prefer online classes because they are cheaper since there is no cost of traveling and accommodation. These classes are also ideal for parents since you don't need to relocate your family. Know Your Peak Study Time You should know when your concentration is at its peak. Some people may prefer studying early in the morning, while some find it better at night. If your peak study time is early in the morning, you should rest well to have a good night's rest. Ensure that you prepare dinner early, or you put the kids in bed early. Ensure that you organize your time well so that you can create enough time to do your assignments. It is recommended that you have one master calendar to consolidate your family, work, and school activities. It would be best to involve your children and partner when you are scheduling essential days on your calendar. You should remember to mark your kids' appointments, games, school activities, and your outing day. With a calendar, you can avoid conflict in time. You should also include your school tasks to prevent losing track of tasks that need to be done. Share the calendar with your partner and kid. They can keep you in the loop if you get held up with other things. Engage Your Children in Useful Activities Young children may not understand why their parents read their notes for long hours instead of playing with them. Ensure that your children are engaged in fun activities to give you room to study. You can also use this time to introduce new hobbies such as house modeling to your kid. Keeping your child involved in a project can give you ample time to read. You can also let your children understand that you will be reading till a particular time and after that, you will reward them. They will give you uninterrupted time to read or discuss with your group members. Create a Contingency Plan Life has uncertainties. You may be faced with things you least expected to experience. Having a plan B would be brilliant in case things don't happen as you wish. Find someone who will be picking the kids from school when you can't manage. Give their teachers the contact information of the person who will pick kids from school. You can also collaborate with other parents to help take care of your kids in case of emergencies. Sometimes we miss school for a variety of reasons. Make sure you have contact with your classmates. They can be sending you notes, class lectures, and recordings when you miss lessons. You can also join a network of parents' medics. There are many ways to help you have a swift nursing studying experience. The tips above are a sure way of succeeding in the nursing program. This is a great opportunity to set an example for your family of hard work and perseverance. All the struggle will one day be well worth it. It is possible to balance school life and family life.

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Ways to Get Scholarship for Students in Ghana
Ways to Get Scholarship for Students in Ghana

Undergraduate, master's and doctoral students in Ghana can apply for these fellowships ofgreat scholarship Ghanaif they intend to study abroad. Applying for and receiving a scholarship abroad necessitates thebest scholarships in Ghanahigh level of intelligence and clarity of expression. Following are the best ways to Get Scholarships for Students in Ghana. Motivational Letters and Statements of Purpose Keep your writing to a minimum and be as unique as possible. Your work doesn't end once you've made your list of potential studies withthebest scholarships in Ghana. You still have to apply for each one of them. Write a strong personal statement or motivation letter, depending on the situation. It is a critical aspect of your scholarship application, so don't skimp on it. Contact Referees Personal references or referees are required for the majority of scholarship essays and applications. Having worked with someone professionally is all it means. For the majority of students, this entails getting in touch with lecturers and asking for help. Request a reference or a recommendation letter from your professor well in advance so that they have time to prepare. Plan and Put This Date in Your Calendar Keeping track of all the deadlines and application requirements can be tough if you are applying for many scholarships or grants in addition to the study abroad program. Keep track of your study withthe best scholarships in Ghanaapplication deadlines by creating a calendar specifically for this purpose. Apply and Don't Get Tired I understand that applying for numerous studies withthe best scholarships in Ghanamay seem exhausting. Even though it will take a lot of effort and perseverance, every little bit counts. You've already put in a lot of time and effort, so everything should go well from here on out. Seek Assistance The first thing you should do is ask for aid from others around you. To find out whether your academic advisors know of any scholarships or grants, ask them if you can reach them. Suppose you're serious about securing a scholarship to study abroad. In that case, you might visit your professors or academic advisors in person and beg for help to learnhow to get a scholarship in Ghana? Widen Your Investigation Scope You should also conduct your research. The more scholarships you qualify for, the more money you will receive as financial aid. You can begin by looking throughthe list of scholarships in Ghanain our Scholarship Directory. We've gathered a list of scholarships for Ghanaian students to study abroad, depending on their preferred country. Scholarships for Studying Abroad in Particular Locations Many of these grants and scholarships are available to students who want to study in a certain country or city. For example, scholarships are available to those who want to go to Japan or Indonesia to study. The host country's government often supplies them, but the government of Ghana can also give them out to offer thebest scholarships in Ghana. Decide on A Specific Program of Study Abroad Students that choose a specific study abroad program are frequently eligible for these awards or scholarships. Only students who want to study abroad under a specific program designed by your university can apply forthe best scholarships in Ghana. Scholarships for Particular Academic Subjects In addition to Foreign Language Scholarships, several other grants and scholarships are available to students who wish to pursue a certain field of study or major while studying abroad with this type of financial assistance; you can focus on a certain country or region, as well as a specific field of study within that field. Providing Individual Students with Financial Assistance Some scholarships are given out depending on their characteristics, such as their gender, race, religion, ability to pay, or sexual orientation. It is called an individualized scholarship. For example, thebest scholarships in Ghanaare specifically designed for female students who want to study abroad. Programs like the Benjamin. Awards for International Study at University Level Many colleges provide merit-based scholarships and incentives to students who want to study abroad. However, don't limit your search to financial help available through your mater. Depending on your associations, several institutions may offer study abroad funds to undergraduates. Research If you're going to be studying withthe best scholarships in Ghana, do some research on the university you'll be attending; many institutions of higher learning across the world grant scholarships for international students to promote an inclusive campus. Scholarships for Studying Abroad Paid Students who want to study abroad can take advantage of numerous government-funded scholarships and grants. For international students who want to study in the UK, the UK government offers scholarships, such as Commonwealth Shared Scholarships, Fulbright Programs, and Chevening Scholarships. Make Direct Contact with the Scholarship Funder Once you've found a scholarship opportunity abroad, the following step is to gather scholarship information so you can apply. Also, make sure you have the most recent version of the application's specifications ofthe best scholarships in ghana. This data can be obtained by getting in touch with the scholarship funder. Conclusion There are numerous ways that you can find to get a scholarship in Ghana. Today, in this article, we believe that you can save much time for searching and make your path easier to come close to your dream scholarship in Ghana as you expected.

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Shocking Tips to Help You Avoid Student Debt
Shocking Tips to Help You Avoid Student Debt

Student debt is a burden that affects millions of young people in the United States and around the world. With the cost of education continuously rising, it's becoming increasingly difficult for students to afford the education they need to succeed in their careers. But it doesn't have to be this way! By following a few simple tips, you can help avoid student debt and start your future on a strong financial footing. Start by planning ahead One of the best ways to avoid student debt is to start planning for your education as early as possible. This means researching schools, scholarships, and financial aid options before you even begin the college application process. It's important to understand the cost of your education and what resources are available to help you pay for it. Look for scholarships and grants Scholarships and grants are a great way to pay for college without having to take out loans. These forms of financial aid are based on merit or financial need and don't need to be repaid. There are thousands of scholarships available, so take the time to research the ones that are right for you. You can start by looking at the financial aid office at your school, checking with professional organizations in your field, and searching online for scholarships that are specific to your area of study. Consider community college Community college can be a great way to save money on your education. Many students choose to complete their general education requirements at a community college before transferring to a four-year university. This can save you thousands of dollars on tuition and fees, and it allows you to start earning college credits before you even enroll in a four-year school. Work while you're in school Working while you're in school can help you pay for your education and avoid taking on debt. Whether it's a part-time job on campus or a work-study program, these opportunities can provide you with the funds you need to pay for your education without having to rely on loans. Consider alternative forms of education In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards alternative forms of education, such as online courses and apprenticeships. These options can be more affordable than traditional college and can also provide you with hands-on experience in your field. Before committing to a traditional four-year degree, consider exploring alternative forms of education to see if they are right for you. Prepare to Pay Cash for Your Education To be not debt free when studying college, you need to determine enough cash for your education. If you determine from the start that you will be paying cash for your degree, that will force you to look for those opportunities to reduce your costs (such as blended learning models). This could mean your studies take longer or you find some affordable summer school options to get some credit. And that also means you start saving long before you go to school. But identifying this early will get you on the right track, even if you're desperate for a loan. Find a Part-Time Job If on-campus work isn't not suitable, then consider applying for a part-time job. Surprisingly, students who work part-time actually do better in college than students who don't. Working part-time at school will help you pay for your tuition as well as helping you learn how to manage your time more effectively to get better grades. In conclusion, student debt can be a major burden, but it doesn't have to be. By planning ahead, researching scholarships and grants, considering community college, working while you're in school, and exploring alternative forms of education, you can help avoid student debt and start your future on a strong financial footing. So take these tips to heart, and don't be afraid to explore all of your options when it comes to paying for your education.

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