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Top Schools Changing Tuition Fees In Response To Coronavirus
Top Schools Changing Tuition Fees In Response To Coronavirus

It has been a year since coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization or what is commonly known as WHO. Last year, around this time in March, quarantine was imposed worldwide due to this pandemic. This quarantine and lockdown caused major upheaval among the common people, especially the family and students' earning members. As the lockdown took hold across the world, offices, schools, colleges, and universities shut down immediately for the spring session. Unfortunately, as the coronavirus outbreak reached its peak, the hopes of resuming classes by the fall semester were lost. This took a huge toll on the education of every student all over the globe. Students were sent to their respective homes for what seemed to an indefinite period. The world economy started to deteriorate rapidly due to extended periods of reduced employment across the globe. Work from home policy ensued after a while since the world went under lockdown. This included online offices, online schools, colleges, and everything. Even school and college exams were conducted online. This change in lifestyle and reduced economy prompted students and parents alike to demand a discount on schools and colleges' tuition fees as the students were no longer availing of the school facilities. It was a legitimate demand from students and their families. Everyone was using home facilities for education, income, and everything else, and the school maintenance fees and other extra fees were no longer required. In this benefits of private tutoring were also the best to educate a child. Some students even demanded a full refund of their college and school tuition fees. To end the rising agitation regarding the tuition fees, some colleges and universities finally decided to offer some percentage of discount on the tuition fees for the students in the upcoming semester. Listed below are the top educational institutions that changed their tuition fees in response to the coronavirus pandemic: American University The American University, situated in Washington, DC, is a private university in the USA. With an acceptance rate of 36% and a graduation rate of 81%, it can be considered good enough and sought-after college. According to USNWR, this university is ranked at 74 out of 310 in National Universities, which gives it a place among the top 24% of US national universities. After the coronavirus pandemic since the last spring semester, the university offers a 10% discount on its tuition fees for this spring semester after a year of being shut down. George Washington University The George Washington University is another University that is situated in Washington, DC. This is a private university and was sanctioned in 1821 by an act of the United States Congress. With an acceptance rate of 41% and a graduation rate of 84%, it stands as one of the US's most prestigious universities. This college has been offering a discount of 10% on tuition fees for this upcoming spring semester. After a year of being shut down and conducting online classes, it is finally ready to welcome the students back. Georgetown University Ranked at number 1 on the best Law school/school for political science list, Georgetown University is another private university in Washington, DC. With its acceptance rate of 14% and graduation rate of 94%, it is one of the most competitive universities in the states. After a year of lockdown, it is now offering a discount of 10% on the students' tuition fees during the upcoming spring semester. Lafayette College Lafayette College is a private college of liberal arts that is based in Easton, Pennsylvania. It also has a small satellite campus in New York City. It has an acceptance rate of 31% and a graduation rate of 89%. Around 32 out of 100 applications are selected, making it a pretty selective college. This college is now offering a discount of 10% on the tuition fees for every student in this upcoming semester. Princeton University This is a private university based at Princeton, New Jersey. It is an Ivy League research college that was founded in 1746. It is ranked at number 1 in the US News list of ‘2021 Best National Universities’ and is within the top 10 of every college list. With an acceptance rate of 6% and a graduation rate of 97%, it is a very competitive college and very difficult to get into. Even though it is a top college, it is still offering a discount of 10% on tuition fees for the 2021 spring semester to welcome students back into the campus after a year of lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. University of Illinois The University of Illinois is situated at Urbana-Champaign and is a research university in Illinois founded in 1867. It has an acceptance rate of 59% and a graduation rate of 85%. After the coronavirus pandemic, now that the colleges and universities are reopening, this university offers a discount of 25% on the tuition fees for its students.

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Useful Tips In Academic Transcription For Modern Students
Useful Tips In Academic Transcription For Modern Students

A student experiences many assignments during years of education. You must do traditional homework, perform different academic papers, make projects in groups, and so on. Daily you have to deal with lots of scheduled and unexpected challenges. Sometimes there is no minute to take a deep breath even if your educational process goes step-by-step without serious issues. That's why you need someone to support you no matter what. You should have an opportunity to rely on helpers with benefits and make your educational process better. New tasks – new solutions Traditional academic assignments can't surprise students. They are keen on any challenge but only require more time in the day. But the modern educational system doesn't let you have a break. While professors create new tasks for students, they are bothered with new solutions to do homework, get A+, and stay alive. It's important to accept that education means consuming content in huge doses. You always need to find out answers to your questions to be able to perform assignments no matter the subject or topic. The deadline is important as well. Have you ever experienced a situation when you had been at a lecture and can't remember something from it… Yes, you have found yourself in this short description, as have many others too. Recording lectures and other educational content is a perfect solution. The only thing you need to care about is transcription services. Your notes and textbooks may fade away but high-quality audio and written records are forever. Here are several tips for you to rely on. Take into account these recommendations to get only benefits from using transcription help. 1. Choose the best transcription company Don't think that all companies perform reliable services. Depending on the qualification and experience of assistants, you will receive a file of different quality. Let's be honest: when we pay for any services we want to receive the best results. No one is ready to waste money and get the assistance of poor quality. If you haven't ordered transcription services before you may experience issues for the first time. The problem isn't in using professional services but in understanding what you need to pay attention to. The best you can do in such a situation is to rely on certified transcriptionists with a strong reputation. Only such an academic transcription company is able to provide a customer with comprehensive and proper help in transcription. The perfect scenario of cooperation includes additional guarantees for you, for instance, money-back, the total satisfaction, 95%+ accuracy rate, delivery on time, etc. 2. Pick up the appropriate type of services Most professional companies offer customers different options. For instance, you have an opportunity to upload files in audio or video format, with clear sound or with noises in the background, long and short records, etc. The more options you have the easier is to receive exactly what you need at the moment. In addition, the variety of services highlights the professionalism of the website and individual approach to every customer. It's highly important to be able to choose one of the following services: – automated transcription. This is a free speech recognition tool that is available for any English texts with good accuracy; – human transcription. Your audio or video file will be processed by a real human with experience so the content accuracy will be up to 99%. As you can see, high accuracy is one of the many reasons for individuals to value professional human transcription services. But you can select any option depending on your preferences. 3. Pay attention to prices Prices are important for students and you have a right to know the final fee before you order assistance. Let's make things clear: even the help of a 100% US-based online transcriber can be affordable. All you need is to perform step #1 well. As a result, it doesn't mean that a professional transcription company requires huge fees for assisting you. Depending on the duration of your audio or video, the price varies but in general, it must be reasonable. Native speakers are able to perform the content of the best quality by paying extra attention to the context of your documents and the accuracy rate. 4. Plan your assignments It's always better to order audio to text transcription beforehand. No matter how much time you have, schedule your assignments to be always on time. Thanks to the special features of professional transcription services, you may order urgent help. But we all know it's better to select standard help and save money. Also, if you do transcription for yourself, it's not a reason to postpone this task. Be sure, you'll thank yourself in the future for making this job beforehand. 5. Take care of your safety You may be very happy to find a high-quality team of professional transcribers but this is not a reason to forget about essential things. When you use online tools for free or for the money you must explore its safety options. A good website should be provided with modern safety software. It must include specific encryption, firewall, antivirus, payment protection, etc. Such tools will help you to keep your banking and personal information safe and don't risk having stored content in the database. So rely only on a reputable website and software. Use modern technologies for your purposes Working hard is a good approach but making yourself exhausted day by day wouldn't make you happy and successful. That's why it's time to start using smart tips in the video to text transcription and have an opportunity to relax between tasks. The listed above recommendations are made just for you. So make a deep breath and use online transcription assistance to help yourself in the future. All you need for success is to follow a transcription website of a trustworthy company and use its services. Whether you are okay with automated transcription or need human assistance, prefer a responsible, certified, and experienced team of transcribers. This is a simple but efficient method for success!

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Why Scholarships are Better Than Student Loans? - Top 5 Reasons
Why Scholarships are Better Than Student Loans? - Top 5 Reasons

Even after all efforts, you have finally won in applying to schools and getting accepted, and there will most likely still be work to get done when it comes to paying tuition. You can take two main things to try to address this problem: scholarships or student loans. Most students will need to take out the students' loans to pay for college, but that does not mean mountains of student debt are inevitable. The smart students will be sure to do a free scholarship search to get the scholarship opportunities that help you pay for tuition, so they don't have to take out many student loans. So, there are five reasons that why scholarships are better than student loans. Difference between Scholarship and Student Loans: Student loans are different from other types of financial aid. Applying for a student loan is a very complicated process. So, for this, it's important to understand that what the application process entails. There are commonly four types of student loans. But it would help if you considered what you and your family could afford to repay each month, including interest. If we talk about the scholarship, then the scholarship is the gift that is only designed for education. There are many private and public scholarship programs that give students of all ages. In addition to this, you don't need to repay the scholarship. So, this is the big difference between the scholarship and student loan. In this way, scholarships are better than student loans. No Repayment and Lower Tuition: The biggest difference between them is very clear. Student loans are just like the many other loans, so they must be paid back. In addition to this, loans will start accruing interest as soon as you begin college. At the same time, some loans will not expect repayment while you are in college. So, you have to start repaying as soon as after graduation. It is why the scholarships which are granted instead of loaned are very important. The scholarship is a free ride with full tuition aid. Any money you don't have to pay back is essential. Another best thing about scholarships is the most of them will be paid directly paid to your university. It means that your tuition will also be lowered, and you can easily go from there to assess how much you will need for the remaining course fees. Furthermore, with the scholarship money already applied to your tuition, you can budget your housing, books, meals, and transportation fees. In addition to this, you can make an informed decision about your money and expenses. Networking: Remember that scholarship can be related to your school, government groups or institutions, and more. Some of the scholarships require special essays or projects. These programs will bring to your attention different communities of people that have the same interest as you. Make sure to do a conversation at a ceremony or in an online group related to your award. Motivation and Distinction: When you get the scholarship, it does not end there. Most likely, you have to keep up your GPA in certain or all of your classes. Winning a scholarship is a great way to get motivated and excited about your academic performance. It is a great motivation for you that you get this money due to your great performance. You earn this money because you are doing great work, so keep it up. Many scholarships are highly selective and not easy to get, and you have to distinguish yourself by winning them. You may be sought after for opportunities and placements by proving your worth. It is also a good idea to put the scholarship you won on your student resume when applying to summer jobs or internships. No Need to Work: According to the research, nearly half of all undergraduate students have a job to help them fulfill their finances related to their studies and living cost. Getting a job can help college students in their college expenses. If you have to work 16 hours per week or more, will you put in as much effort on your paper? It is a compromise that many colleges that many students have to take when they take the student loan because they have to repay this money with interest. So, in this way, the key benefit of scholarships is that the need to work is removed. Instead, you can give all of your time to working on your academic projects. So, this will also allow you to improve your grades and get a better job when you graduate. In addition to this scholarship can boost your resume, but the student cannot boost your resume. In this way, scholarships are much better than a student loan. So, try to consider a scholarship compared to a student loan that is not free and a great achievement for you.

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Where Can You Study Abroad For Free?
Where Can You Study Abroad For Free?

There is an approach to get free training abroad. Understudies regularly believe that a semester or a year abroad can be over the top expensive, and from multiple points of view this is particularly valid for Americans who commonly select projects subsidiary with their home college or "middle person" organization. Take huge amount of cash from you. Yet, If you know the way you can study abroad for a minimal expense, or at no expense by any means, and you wouldn't fret the applications, you can read abroad for nothing. With the alternative of the year or even your whole confirmation abroad. So assuming you need to concentrate abroad yet can't manage the cost of the significant expense, consider one of the nations where you can read abroad for nothing. Get Free Schooling Abroad By Get Scholarship Right I should initially specify that all nations in this article are allowed to see just on the off chance that you select straightforwardly in a college, or what might be compared to a country. You can refer to some full-scholarships offered by some universities at the country you are tending to go to. And quickly apply your application to early get the scholarship for free to study abroad. It will be great if you can study at a strange country without any cost. If you are wonder which countries you should think of now, you can follow below. Germany Germany is known for its brilliant college framework, and all worldwide understudies can read free of charge here subsequent to paying a yearly organization expense, which is typically not exactly € 350. There are many cool urban communities in the nation where you can concentrate abroad, when you are not paying anything for your schooling and in the event that you keep on concentrating in large urban communities like Munich with minimal expense of living ۔ in my viewpoint Germany is the most awesome alternative assuming you need to get free instruction abroad. Brazil In the event that you communicate in Portuguese, you can read for nothing at one of Brazil's most renowned state funded colleges when your course starts. You need to take a test, as other potential Brazilian understudies do, and to exhibit your Portuguese capability level, you need to get a CELPE-Bras endorsement. Greece EU/EWA understudies get free educational cost abroad in Greece, and all others have a yearly educational expense of € 1,500. Joined with the way that the average cost for basic items in Greece is the least in Europe, you have an unimaginably modest examination abroad. . Nonetheless, in the event that you don't as of now have a clue, you should learn Greek. Iceland State funded college is free for all Icelandic understudies, regardless of where they come from (5% of top understudies are global.) The lone proviso (one significant) is that most classes are educated in Iceland. On the off chance that you talk it, or then again on the off chance that you get some great English courses, read on in perhaps the most well-known nations to see yourself right now abroad semester. Luxembourg The University of Luxembourg is extraordinarily worldwide, and except for the € 800 first year charge and the € 400 yearly expense from that point, educational cost is totally free for all understudies. France France, quite possibly the most well-known spots to concentrate abroad, doesn't charge educational expenses at its state funded colleges, paying little mind to identity. Simply pay a little organization charge and hope to become familiar with some French. Note that France's most esteemed colleges, called the Grandes les Coles, charge educational expenses, so stay with a public French college assuming you need to read abroad for nothing. Sweden In the event that you have an EU/EWA or a Swiss identification, you can read in Sweden free of charge. Different residents can hope to pay two or three thousand dollars every year, except specialists are typically free, and you get paid as well! Another benefit is that all understudies reserve the privilege to work while concentrating in Sweden. Austria Anybody with an EU/EER identification can read for up to eight semesters in Austria free of charge, in addition to some little managerial expenses. In case you are not an EU resident, the college is as yet modest, at around 25,725 for each semester in the state funded colleges of the country. On the off chance that you contrast it with American school charges, it is less expensive to take normal semesters or study abroad. Become familiar with reading abroad for nothing in Austria. Czech Republic On the off chance that you talk familiar Czech, regardless of where you come from, you can get free schooling abroad in the Czech Republic. Relax, regardless of whether you cannot, you can just take one language class for about $ 900 for every semester. This is a little cost to pay with the expectation of complimentary instruction in the best and least expensive nations in Europe.

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Things Students Need to Know During COVID-19
Things Students Need to Know During COVID-19

You might be wondering how the COVID-19 emergency affects your federal financial aid if you have federal student loans. Tuition refunds and credits, emergency grants for emergency loans, and enrollment flexibility are among the relief measures provided by the US Department of Education (ED). Continue reading to learn more about these relief methods, as well as information on moving schools or deferring your next term. 1.You Will be Entitled to Educational cost Discounts and Credits Some schools shuttered as a result of COVID-19, and many classes were relocated online or canceled. As a result, your school may issue you a refund or a credit that you can use to pay down existing student loan debt or to cover future education-related expenses. Contact the bursar's office or your financial aid office for more information about your school's current policies. You can cancel your loan without paying any interest or fees if you do so within 120 days of receiving the funds. You can return part of the aid you got to lessen your total sum owed if you accepted a bigger loan amount to help pay for room and board but your situation has changed due to COVID-19. 2.Federal Money related Help Is Available COVID-19 emergency awards totaling more than $18 billion were just made available to current college or career school students. If your school participates in federal student aid programs, you may be eligible for emergency funding to cover costs incurred as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care are all examples of expenses that may be covered by the funds. These awards must be provided in cash (which could include a pre-paid card or another electronic method) and should be utilized to cover essential expenses at your discretion. Without your agreement, your school could not apply your grant to an outstanding balance on your account. Furthermore, these grants should not be taken into account when determining your financial assistance eligibility or award. 3.There are Adaptabilities for Proceeding Enrollment Amid COVID-19 Leave of Absence has been approved. Your school may have provided you the opportunity to request a leave of absence if your study abroad program was canceled or you became unwell. Your school may transfer the financial aid you got for that semester to your following term if you are allowed such a leave. To learn more about your school's current leave of absence policies and financial aid possibilities, contact the financial aid office. To keep receiving federal student help, you must achieve your school's standards for satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward a degree or certificate. Completing a specified number of credits in a certain amount of time, as well as satisfying minimal grade point average (GPA) requirements, are examples of satisfactory academic progress. If you suspect COVID-19 is to blame for your inability to complete enough courses or achieve minimal GPA criteria, contact the school's financial aid office and explain your circumstances. COVID-19 emergency relief flexibility allows a school to remove credits that a student was unable to finish as a result of COVID-19. 4.There’s a 0% Intrigued Rate Period Interest on student loans controlled by the US Department of Education is temporarily set at 0% from March 13, 2020, through January 31, 2022. (ED). Direct Unsubsidized Loans, which ordinarily accumulate interest while you're in school, are included in this 0% interest rate advantage. Follow these procedures to figure out what kind of loans you have: Go to and look at your dashboard. On the off chance that ED possesses your loan(s), you'll take note of "Office OF ED" sometime recently the advance servicer's title. These are the credits that qualify for a 0% intrigued rate. Regular intrigued rates will apply when the 0% intrigued term wraps up. Intrigued rates are calculated depending on the date your advances were at first dispensed (paid out). Always be beyond any doubt merely as it borrowed what you require. Utilize College Scorecard to assist you to figure out how much you'll bear to borrow for school. It contains information on your possible earnings after completing particular disciplines of study for some schools. 5.Don’t Exchange Schools Without Investigating First If you're thinking about switching schools or enrolling at a different school during COVID-19, use College Scorecard to look up school-specific information. If you're looking for a school in your neighborhood, go to College Scorecard and click "Show Me Options," then "Schools Near Me," to find schools within a certain distance of your current location. If you transfer schools, discover if your new school offers financial help through the FAFSA® form, and update your FAFSA with your new school's information. Before moving schools, seek advice and weigh all of your possibilities. Make beyond any doubt to check how numerous credits the unused school would acknowledge based on past work.

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At Listscholarship, our team constantly works to promptly update active promo codes, coupon codes, and discounts from Pandora, giving thousands of huge discounts for students. In the effort of offering the best Pandora deals for users, especially students, our staff actively contact the third party as well as follow closely the latest updates on coupon forums. A wide range of student discounts with huge offers is aggregated in no time, helping all students easily gain a valuable scholarship, saving money maximumly. Visit this page day by day to never skip any Pandora promotions.