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Top Weird Scholarships And Awards You Didn’t Know About
Top Weird Scholarships And Awards You Didn’t Know About

Generally, the scholarships are granted for academic excellence or for excellence in sports, or to support minorities and persons with disabilities. But there are some other scholarships which are given in different fields apart from the above-told ones and at first, they may seem to be very weird to you but they really exist. And here we will discuss those scholarships: 1. Wholesale Halloween Costumes Scholarship: College students i.e. freshmen to graduates all are eligible for this award. Here, the applicant will have to participate in the Pumpkin Carving Contest. Here he or she will have to make a freehand design. Although carving kits and patterns are also allowed to use. The applicant may use props, accessories and paint to create a scene or adorn the pumpkin. But the main aspect will be carving itself. The entries will be judged on overall quality, originality and creativity. The winner will be awarded a scholarship of $500 and his or her entry will be featured on the official Facebook page and on the official blog. The motto of this scholarship is to give some financial assistance to creative students for helping them in their higher studies. 2. Mycological Society of America Scholarships: This scholarship is designed to help the students who study mycology i.e. the study of fungi, in various disciplines. The award money of this scholarship is up to $10,000. 3. Tattoo Journal Ink Scholarship: If you want to participate in this scholarship program, you will have to pen a note about The myth and reality of tattooing. Well, it doesn’t come under the typical essay contests. And this scholarship offers an award of $1800 and it also has first second and third place awards. 4. American Board of Funeral Service Education National Scholarship Program: The award money of this scholarship is $2500. And the persons who have completed at least one semester or quarter in an accredited funeral service or a mortuary science program can apply for this scholarship. 5 American Association of Candy Technologists John Kitt Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship offers an award of $5000. College sophomores, juniors and seniors with food science and who have an interest in confectionery technology can apply for this scholarship. 6. Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest: This is really an unusual but amazing scholarship. If you can quack or you can speak to the mallards, this scholarship is for you my friend. This scholarship gives you a chance to win $2000 award money. 7. Collegiate Inventors Competition: This scholarship is designed for those college students who are inventors. Yes, you can earn some money by showing your or your team’s brilliant inventions. Well, you will be eligible for this scholarship until your idea has not been shared commercially or you have not taken a patent of it. 8. Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest: This is a very interesting scholarship contest. Here you will have to make a greeting card using your creativity. The winner will be selected on the basis of the votes and judgments by a panel of experts. The scholarship worth $10,000. 9. Doodle 4 Google Scholarship: This is another fun contest for students who are interested in creating artworks. Well, you can win a college scholarship of up to $30,000 by submitting your own Doodle to the Doodle 4 Google scholarship competition. 10. Miller Electric International WorldSkills Competition Scholarship: This is an amazing opportunity for the welders. This competition gives you a chance to win a scholarship of $10,000 over four years for a welding-related educational or training program. 11. National Potato Council Scholarship: National Potato Council has designed an annual scholarship of $10,000 for graduate students who are pursuing advanced study in agribusiness that will help to enhance the potato industry. 12. Rolex European Scholarship: This is a scholarship of $25,000. It is offered for underwater photography, welding, aqua-tourism and research. 13. Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship: If you are a vegetarian and you feel like animals are not food rather they are our friends. And if you can advocate in support of the animals in your high school or community, you will be eligible for this award. 14. Parapsychological Association Research Endowment: The study of ‘psychic phenomena’ is called Parapsychology which includes paranormal activity, telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, etc. The students who are researching on the earlier said topics with or without the help of a crystal ball or Ouija board, are eligible for this scholarship. And this scholarship is offering you prize money of $5000. 15. The George Blood Women in Audiovisual Archiving And Technology Scholarship: This scholarship is designed for female candidates who like to archive audiovisuals. And this lucrative scholarship is offering you a handful of $4000. So, in my opinion, these are some weird but amazing scholarships that you will be glad to know about. ảnh weird scholarship

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Best California Scholarships In 2021
Best California Scholarships In 2021

California is the most crowded state in the nation and is home to an astounding 309 four-year universities. Regardless of whether you are born and reproduced Californian or an understudy from out of state. California grants will assist with easing up the monetary weight of school! Top California grants in 2021 are- 1. Equality Scholarship Qualification: Residents of Northern or Central California who have finished or hope to finish secondary everyday schedule between July 2016 and June 2021 and plan to join in or currently began going to a certified post-optional establishment for the first run-through in 2021. Applicants probably exhibited administration to the LGBTQ+ people group Sum: $6,000 Cutoff time: January 31 2. Robert Hunter Swadley Horticultural Scholarship Qualification: High school seniors who are California inhabitants, hold a base 3.0 GPA, and plan on entering a school or college and majoring in horticulture Sum: Full or halfway educational cost and full or fractional expense of room, board, and books Cutoff time: January 31 3. California Veterans Association College Fee Waiver Program Qualification: California students who are offspring of impaired veterans, warriors who passed on while serving, or beneficiaries of a Medal of Honor. Sum: Full educational expense waiver Cutoff time: February 1 4. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program Qualification: Students of color who are seeking after a degree for a showing related-profession in state-funded training. Students should dwell in California at the hour of applying and while getting the honor. They should likewise be an individual from the Student California Teachers Association or have a parent in the California Teachers Association Sum: Up to $6,000 Cutoff time: February 12 5. California Strawberry Growers' Fund Scholarships $5,000 February 15, 2022 Grants Available: See Description Grant Description - Applicants may likewise qualify in case they are utilized as a California strawberry fieldworker; full-time enlistment in an exchange school, junior college, four-year college, or graduate/proficient program during the period for which grant is mentioned, and should keep a 2.0 GPA or higher. 6. Mel C. Marshall Student Scholarship $500 Cutoff time Varies Grants Available: See Description Grant Description - The Mel C. Marshall Student Scholarship was created to energize secondary school seniors or understudies to select vocations identified with the precast substantial industry and to give opportunities to those students who get monetary support to liaise with CPCA. Grant applications are mentioned by October 31 for the scholastic year starting the accompanying fall, and by April 30 for the accompanying spring semester. Should keep a 2.5 GPA and be a California inhabitant. 7. Public Hispanic Business Women Association Educational Scholarship Grant Description - To be qualified applicants must: be an understudy with a home in California; contribution in some form of local area administration; show monetary need; have a 3.0 GPA; and, go to a school or college in the US. 8. Palo Alto Rotary Club Vocational Scholarships $2,000 April 03, 2022 Grants Available: 10 Grant Description - The Rotary Club of Palo Alto professional grants are planned to give monetary help to students who will join up with an authorized professional program or professional program at a junior college in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Qualified students will select a program prompting a declaration or degree. It will intend to go straightforwardly into work in that endless supply of the program. Instances of professional projects incorporate yet are not restricted to auto innovation, bookkeeping, kid advancement, dental cleanliness, style plan, visual computerization, clinical helping, and numerous others. The grants are need-based as opposed to grade-based. 9. San Diego Chinese Women's Association Scholarship Qualification: High school students in the San Diego district who are of somewhere around one-quarter Chinese plummet. Cut-off time: Late March (Latest update on November 28 said that it will open to applications in late January) 10. Pine Cone Foundation Scholarship Qualification: California secondary school seniors with archived learning handicaps and a base GPA of 2.5 who are enlisting at a junior college Cutoff time: April 1 (Opens February 15) 11. Ebell/Flint Scholarship Qualification: Full-time students who go to an establishment in Los Angeles County, hold a base 3.25 GPA, and will be sophomores before the finish of the current year. Beneficiaries are picked dependent on monetary need Sum: $3,000 to $5,000, repeating Cutoff time: April 2 12. Focal California Asian Pacific Women Scholarship Sum: Varies Cutoff time: April 30 (Opens soon however no date posted at this point) Praise the West High School Art Competition Qualification: High young students in Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming who present an original two-dimensional workmanship piece informed by their experience living in the West >>>Also See:Top 8 University Scholarships In Singapore For Prospective Students In 2021

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How to Write a Scholarship Essay That Will Impress the Admission Committee
How to Write a Scholarship Essay That Will Impress the Admission Committee

A scholarship essay takes the burden of your future. This is the reason writing a scholarship essay can be a stressful task. There are so many elements that can make an essay boring and monotonous. So what it takes to make a scholarship essay a reading-worthy piece of writing. It has to be interesting and to the point. You should be telling your goals to the admission committee. They do not need to listen to your life story, so it should be written in a very comprehensive manner. If you are wondering how to write my essay, here is how you can impress the admission committee to have you on the campus. Give a thorough read to the Prompt When you apply for a scholarship the university will give you a prompt. The prompt will have all the details of what kind of essay the admission committee is looking for. Read the prompt multiple times until you understand the whole concept of it. The question in the essay prompt can be tricky and you have to give it a thought before making a sense out of it. Write down all the ideas that come into your mind while reading the prompt. You have to write the correct answer, for example, if they need to know about you then you should be writing that and if they want to know about your academic achievements then your focus should strictly be on them. There is another scenario where the university will give you simply a topic and you will have to write on it. This is easy as well as hard. You can simply write an essay but do contact the university to get clarification on vague points so you do not get anything wrong. Key Points are the Key to an Impressive Essay Before you start writing the actual essay, make a rough sketch of the essay. Add all the key points that you think should be part of the essay. These key points can include any information about you and your academic career. You can shortlist the most relevant points later but it is important to have everything in sight. The key points for the essay should have every significant point in an order that does not look odd. While you make your educational accomplishments highlighted, add something about your extracurricular life too. Universities mostly are not only looking for toppers but also someone who can fit in other goals of the institute too. Thus, do not forget any important aspect of the education or other strengths you have. Write an Outline Now since you have every aspect of your life written in one place, you can pick and choose the important points and make an outline. Here you will decide what comes in what order. Put everything in place and check if the order is correct and is appealing enough to give a read. Write a Rough Draft Let’s come to the actual job now. You have collected every point and given them an order too. It means you can start writing. The writing should be able to grab the attention of the reader. The best way is to write everything in the form of a story. Actually, a story pattern is the best way to make a stranger read about you. Make Additions At this point, you can see if something is missing. Any missing link in the story would be making it incomplete and you could tell it. So fill in the missing links to make it look completed and worth reading. Read and Rewrite When you will read your essay, you will find the shortcomings yourself, keep them in writing. Now write the essay again. You can repeat this as many times as you want until you are satisfied with the matter of your essay. This part is very important because you will notice that with every attempt your product will get better too. Here are the attributes that should be part of your final draft. Sounds real and should resonate with your personality. Do not make it look like you are writing about some other influential personality. Be modest while writing about yourself. The writing should give the impression that you are a confident accomplished person, not some pompous person. Nobody likes to have an arrogant person onboard. Write using simple words. It is not a literary competition and the committee wants to know about you, not your big vocabulary. Always give references to the goals of the university in your essay. It will show that you are aware of what you are signing up for. Give it to Someone Unbiased Locate someone around you who can read the essay and give an unbiased opinion. That person can read and tell you the shortcomings. You can make a questionnaire to get the complete and comprehensive answers to improve your essay. Final Draft With the help of the editor who read and gave you an opinion, you can write a final draft of the essay. Incorporate every suggestion that would help elevate the writing of the essay. In your final draft make sure there are no grammatical mistakes. Check the word count and make sure it corresponds with the requirement of the admission committee.

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Top Cliches You Need To Avoid In Your Scholarship Essays
Top Cliches You Need To Avoid In Your Scholarship Essays

The essay is the most vital part of your scholarship application, if your scholarship essay is stand out that you can easily win among the thousands of other scholarship applicants. However, there are several challenges that you will meet when crafting your scholarship essay. If you want to write a compelling essay,you need to know top essay clichés to avoid promptly. 1. Starting with an Inspirational Quote The scholarship panel may have effectively perused that statement – or one like it – a few times over. Nothing is more insincere than inspirational statements that everybody has perused however nobody truly enjoys. This is a scholarship paper, not a Pinterest page. Keep the inspirational statements on a banner on your divider and be original in your paper. 2. Talking About Your Volunteer Work We're not knocking humanitarian effort, and this sort of work is significant. However, if you've chipped in at a soup kitchen for seven days simply because you were needed to, you presumably will not get the scholarship. Scholarship boards would prefer not to realize what you've done. They need to know what the experience educated you. 3. The Non-Challenging Challenge Everybody has fears and fears. Everybody has remarkable encounters growing up. In case you're going to expound on a test, make it advantageous to the perusers. Was it a groundbreaking encounter? Did you learn anything? Did it change your convictions or how you see your general surroundings? 4. The Standard Volunteer Experience While charitable effort ought to be cheered, it will not help a scholarship candidate's article stand apart all alone. Numerous high schoolers take part in programs that let them help others while giving them the possibility "to adapt so a lot." On the off chance that your high schooler is going to expound on a volunteer encounter, they need to find an interesting peculiarity of subtlety within the experience that can give a remarkable concentration. Presently we aren't saying that volunteering in a neighbourhood soup kitchen isn't outstanding. Before they begin their article, have them consider whether most understudies could be writing similar words about their experience. Until they can address that inquiry with a resounding no, it is smarter to continue to think. 5. The (Everyday) Obstacle One more famous topic for scholarship essays covers how the writer conquered a specific obstruction. A few understudies decide to discuss actual difficulties, similar to an intimidating game, or individual fears. Others like to allude to their upbringing, for example, being the offspring of an outsider, being raised by a single parent, or fighting with learning trouble. While the entirety of the circumstances can be challenging, they aren't going to help your understudy stand apart without anyone else in case they are just referenced. Additionally, you will need to be reasonable with regards to whether it was a genuine test. For instance, talking about the time they got over their dread and went skydiving may be exceptionally meaningful to them, yet will not mean a lot to an individual reading the exposition. Is there any valid reason why it wouldn't make an extraordinary paper topic? Since it is something individuals face the whole way across the country, consistently. There are consistently individuals skydiving interestingly. What's more, it isn't a genuine test. Possibly now you are thinking "Amazing! What on earth do we talk about then, at that point?" however relax! This doesn't mean the topics are untouchable; it simply implies that similar to charitable effort essays. Your understudy needs to bring something extraordinary to the table. Again, undeniable level examinations will not help them. Instead, remarkable topics, or even a portion of the topics we've referenced, require a piece of the circumstance that is genuinely one of a kind. 6. Disappointments THAT AREN'T FAILURES Genuine disappointments have a certain degree of gravity; an outstanding effect that influences your life in a meaningful and amazing manner. Furthermore, in many cases, not passing a test or not making the group isn't going to cut it for a scholarship application exposition. This is another region where using the ordinary models a great many people have available to them isn't going to make your understudy stick out. Truth be told, it might even damage their possibilities. There is a major contrast between taking a danger and it not panning out and full, pure, disappointment. If the most noticeably terrible repercussion of the "disappointment" was life continuing the same way it had gone the day preceding your kid attempted, then, at that point, it probably won't order as a meaningful disappointment according to an individual reading the exposition. 7. Becoming An Adult Transitioning into adulthood is another well-known topic where your high schooler needs to avoid the norm. For instance, discussing a bar/bat mitzvah, sweet 16, or comparative coming old enough party custom isn't going to get the eyes of the scholarship advisory group. While social and strict occasions are meaningful, they don't stamp when your youngster acknowledged they weren't a child any longer. Assuming this is the picked or ordered topic, it is smarter to zero in on pieces of the change that aren't generally self-evident.

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Columbus 2022 Travel Tips for College Students
Columbus 2022 Travel Tips for College Students

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Even while the Covid-19 situation continues, the most effective group trip operators are well prepared for the reopening of travel in the United States. With analysts forecasting tremendous pent-up visitor demand once limitations are relaxed, destinations that provide amazing experiences at a low cost should be on the radar of every group tour professional. Columbus, without a question, fits the bill. To that aim, Experience Columbus just released its 2021Tour Planner Guide, which was meticulously vetted by the company's highly trained group tour experts. The guide puts everything tour planners need to create outstanding itineraries right at their fingertips. Free to any group. The 2022Tour Planner Guide includes exclusive behind-the-scenes group experiences, unique events, and unforgettable guided tours for tour operators. There are additional sections on transportation, motorcoach parking, maps, and other logistical resources. At, tour organizers can request their new Columbus Tour Planner Guide or view the digital version. Specially created itineraries showcasing major sites, culinary experiences, attractions, activities, and hotel options are presented in the guide's main section to help group professionals succeed. These might be used as a source of inspiration or as a proposed route around Columbus. During a visit, don't forget to include. The Columbus Group Tour team, on the other hand, is now available to work with planners to develop personalized tour itineraries tailored to their groups' exact needs, finances, size, and interests. A perforated sheet immediately inside the front cover of the new guide allows readers to jot down plans and favorite Columbus tour ideas. Columbus, which was named one of the Travel Channel's "Top 10 Domestic Places to Visit in 2021," expects a significant surge in visitors once travel begins. There is no better time for groups to visit Ohio's capital, which is one of America's fastest-growing cities. This provides unrivaled value for money Planners and vacationers alike rave about Columbus' hands-on and engaging group activities. New attractions, installations, and exhibitions at Columbus' many arts and culture organizations, as well as almost a dozen new hotel openings, all contribute to the city's growing excitement. Experience Columbus has created a constantly updated schedule showcasing the city's limitless "virtual" experiences via until the shelter-in-place orders are lifted. Several popular Columbus group trip venues have created internet communication options. resources and encounters Here are a few examples: Franklin Park Conservatory (Franklin Park Conservatory) Museum of Science and Industry (COSI) The Cartoon Library and Museum of Billy Ireland In addition, Scott Wood, a Columbus writer, and art lover offer virtual tours of favorite Columbus group tour locations like the Columbus Museum of Art and Thurber House on his Scott's Social Distance Tours Facebook page. Columbus is unlike any other city. Ohio's capital is noted for its open attitude, sharp style, and entrepreneurial energy, and it is vibrant and active. Columbus' many districts, vibrant nightlife, notable music scene, arts and culinary experiences, festivals, and attractions The diversity of its friendly people, who eagerly await warmly welcome tourists, adds to the allure of the accommodations. provides free trip guides, maps, online booking, and thorough information. Thanksgiving is the end-of-semester holiday for many college students this year, rather than the customary winter break in December. Some colleges began semesters early in order to finish before Thanksgiving, while others have students complete the semester virtually. Whatever your circumstances, having a well-thought-out plan for how you will go from point A to point B is beneficial. You'll be able to spend the holidays with your family if you commute from university to home. Here are some suggestions for COVID-friendly Thanksgiving travel. Prepare While at School Try to quarantine as much as possible in the days preceding up to leaving college. This means staying in your dorm, avoiding large gatherings, and going out with a mask on. If your school provides COVID testing, you should take one a few days before you depart. You don't want to take a test on the spur of the moment and then discover you're unwell at the airport! Review Your Travel Options Consider driving alone while making travel plans; disease specialists agree that this is the safest mode of transportation during COVID. Students with automobiles may find that driving and only stopping for gas or to use the restroom at rest stops is the best option. Students who rely on public transportation, such as a bus or plane, should exercise extreme caution during their journeys. Bring a lot of protective gear Students are highly recommended to wear masks, bring hand wipes and hand sanitizer, and make as few pit stops as possible, regardless of method of transportation. If you're driving, carry your own snacks, and avoid drinking or eating if you're flying, taking the bus, or taking the train. Wearing a mask and a Plexiglas face shield combination may appear ridiculous, but extra protection, especially on public transit, could mean the difference between a negative and positive COVID test. Be Flexible to Change Prepare for this Thanksgiving knowing that it will be different from prior ones. When students return home, they may need to quarantine themselves or avoid spending time with elderly relatives or individuals who have pre-existing conditions. Remember that adapting to changes can help make the holiday season safer and healthier. Get matched to scholarships that fit your abilities, strengths, and unique qualities in real-time. Our algorithms link you with scholarships that are a good fit for you. Conduct a free college scholarship search at to find a comprehensive list of college scholarships. Read more: Top Scholarships for Massachusetts Students Needed Skills to Get Scholarships from 5 Best Universities in the World

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