Scholarship detail

Deutsche Bildung Student Funding

Total annual

As a social business, since 2007, Deutsche Bildung supports thousands of German students with money and the extra-curricular program WissenPlus.


Deutsche Bildung Student Funding is the biggest student financing offer organized by the private sector of Germany. • Since 2013, Deutsche Bildung is top ranked in national rankings like the Studienkredittest. • Monthly, single or returning payments, guarantee a completely flexible financing for students of almost all disciplines in Germany and abroad. For current values, please check DBSF website • The extra-curricular program WissenPlus focuses on the development of personal skills and professional competencies. A broad network of contacts to companies, universities and NGOs adds value to all granted students. • The repayment is income-linked: granted graduates pay back a fixed amount of their future income for a certain period of time when they found their first employment. Like this, students are protected from debts and support following students. This assures a sustainable model of student financing.


You can simply apply online and follow the step-by-step application. Please have the following documents at hand: • Two-sided copy of your ID or residence permit for Germany • CV • Conditional offer of your future university or a certificate of enrolment if you are already studying • Current transcript of records if you are already studying (grades, certificates, intermediate certificates or certificate of a completed Bachelor) • Copy of your university entrance qualification • Internship certificates (if available) • Examination regulations (list of all modules and exams that you have to complete in your studies) There is no application deadline. You can apply anytime during your studies or three months before the beginning of your studies.