Scholarship detail

$3000 TodayDeals Scholarship Program

Top annual
Total annual
Master , Bachelor , Course
31 Dec 2022 has formed a special scholarship program for students to give students awards that can support them pursue their educational goals. Through our scholarship program, we would like to give students useful information & knowledge about viral e-commerce or social media shopping. We encourage any students who have a personal interest or knowledge in this field to participate in our scholarship program to earn numerous potential benefits.


Total rewards for this scholarship program is $3000 in total. We will give the prize to the 3 winners with the orders as below:

  • 1st prize: $1500
  • 2nd prize: $1000
  • 3rd prize: $500


  • Fulfill the registration form with your personal credentials.
  • The participating format of the scholarship program is an essay. You are required to write an essay in about 800 - 1500 words on the topic of "What’s your opinion about the virality of shopping through social media?".
  • The content of the essay should focus mainly on the information about viral e-commerce, and your own experience when encountering social media shopping. Feel free to share any piece of information or opinion regarding our assigned topic.
  • Remember to submit your application once you have finished the essay. Check again to make sure you do not forget something, or you may accidentally send the draft instead of the main essay.