
First Baptist Church Study

(5 Reviews)

212 Prather Rd, Felicity, OH 45120


State: Ohio
Address: 212 Prather Rd, Felicity, OH 45120
Zip code: 45120
Phone: (513) 876-2565
Website: None
Opening hours
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: None
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: None
Sunday: None


First Baptist Church Study's location is 212 Prather Rd, Felicity, OH 45120 and the ZIP Code is 45120. If you want to check the detailed scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities or just ask for something, please contact First Baptist Church Study by phone at (513) 876-2565 or visit None for more help.

Recommended Customer Ratings & Reviews

Betty Schmidt
(July 26, 2018, 11:14 am)

Very clean nice and caring people. Kids love this place.

Blair Olivia
(April 9, 2022, 3:31 pm)

I've been to a few therapists- no one compares to Dr. Spada. She is caring, present, lively, and funny! Who even has fun in therapy! You will with this doctor- I find myself hysterical laughing in sessions and what is better than that! Of course we journey through all the emotions and I am able to process on a weekly basis what's happening in my life. She has a great sense of humor and is not up tight. I genuinely like her as a person. She has really helped me in my life. I am not longer in a relationship that was actually making my life miserable. I have just been able to move on in so many ways. I can say that because of therapy with Dr. Spada, I understand my worth, I have actualized my purpose in life, and am just significantly a happier human. Dr. Spada is easy to connect with. This Doctor is the way to go!

Peter Paul
(April 9, 2022, 3:20 pm)

Best therapist ever! Love her. Legitimately changed my life. I was definitely skeptical about therapy before I stepped into Dr. Spada's beautiful, zen and tranquil office (did I mention her therapy space is the best). I was able to learn through therapy why I was doing the things I was doing- ways I was living my life that, ultimately were not serving me. I became aware of unconscious drives that were rooted in old unresolved experiences. I was able to heal through therapy. Dr. Spada is very down to earth, she's a great listener, and you know that she cares about you. You can literally say anything to her and she always is accepting and loving. She is able to make connections in the things I tell her that actually have blown me away. She is intelligent and has powerful insight. After being in treatment with her I feel more whole, grounded, lighter, and more free in the way I experience the world and am able to live my life. I have realized I have choices I didn't realize I had before therapy. My mind has been opened up. Understanding my own self and past experiences and been absolutely transformational. I really couldn't give Dr. Spada a higher reccomendation. If your unsure or skeptical about the process- just give it a shot! Dr. Spada is the best person to try it with. 5 star rating for this Doc! Life saver.

Megan Wallace
(October 7, 2021, 10:02 pm)

Dr. Spada is extremely attentive and makes you feel understood and validated. She has great insight and makes you more aware. Since I’ve started my journey with Dr. Spada, my life has improved and my outlook on life has been more positive. Things can change for yourself if you do the work! And Dr Spada makes you believe in yourself and is with you every step of the way! Highly recommend!

Jason Janke
(November 14, 2021, 10:22 pm)

We found Terry with only one month until our wedding day, and over just a few classes he worked with us to choreograph an elegant, yet achievable first dance for us (we came in with no prior experience). We even changed songs after our first lesson, and he was able to quickly change the style of dance to better match the different pace of song. We had fun with the resulting dance, which impressed our guests and brought out some tears. The space could occasionally get crowded with other classes going on, but it was never an issue. We were happy with everything, and enjoyed our time learning/practicing.

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